Dr. Joshua B. Fisher


(323) 540-4569

Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering (JIFRESSE)

University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)




• Project Scientist (I), Joint Institute for Regional Earth System Science and Engineering (JIFRESSE), University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)



• Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Oxford, UK (2006 – 2008)

Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography & Environment

I. Global modelling of atmosphere-vegetation-soil interactions; II. Nutrient dynamics in cloudforests and rainforests in the Peruvian Andes

Supervisor: Yadvinder S. Malhi

• Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley, USA (2001 – 2006)

Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management

I. The land-atmosphere water flux across plant, ecosystem, global and social scales; II. GIS and spatial analysis for environmental justice and wildlife

Dissertation co-chairs: Dennis Baldocchi & Greg Biging; Committee members: Todd Dawson & Louise Fortmann

• B.S., University of California, Berkeley, USA (1997 – 2001)

College of Natural Resources: Environmental Sciences

Evapotranspiration methods compared on a Sierra Nevada forest ecosystem

Thesis advisor: Ye Qi


GRANTS/projects [total funding: $61M]

• NASA Earth Ventures Instruments II (2014 – current)

ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS) Mission; 30M/6y + 4.5M/1y

Science Lead

• NASA ECOSTRESS Science Team (ECOSTRESS) (2019 – current)

Improvements to ECOSTRESS Data for Science and Applications; 0.42M/3y

Principal Investigator

• NASA Terrestrial Ecology (TE) (2015 – current)

A Model–Data Integration Framework (MoDIF) for ABoVE Phase I Research: Simulation, Scaling and Benchmarking for Key Indicators of Arctic-Boreal Ecosystem Dynamics; 1.0M/3y + 0.52M/3y

Principal Investigator

Working Group Lead: Modeling Framework; Science Team Member

• NASA Science Utilization of the Soil Moisture Active-Passive Mission (SUSMAP) (2016 – current)

SMAP Soil Moisture Data to Improve Remotely Sensed Global Estimates of Evapotranspiration; 0.6M/3y

Principal Investigator

• NASA Climate Indicators and Data Products for Future National Climate Assessments (INCA) (2016 – current)

Managing Vegetation Water Stress Under a Changing Climate; 0.8M/3y

Principal Investigator

• NASA Western Water Applications Office (WWAO) (2018 – current)

Operational Evapotranspiration for the State of New Mexico; 0.55M/3y

Principal Investigator

• US Bureau of Reclamation (Reclamation) (2019 – current)

Next Generation ET Toolbox for the US Bureau of Reclamation; 0.2M/1y

Principal Investigator

• NASA ECOSTRESS Science Team (ECOSTRESS) (2019 – current)

Merging ECOSTRESS with Field Data in the Highest Uncertainty Water Use Efficiency Regions in the World; 0.4M/3y


• NASA Interdisciplinary Research in Earth Science (IDS) (2017 – current)

Merging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Partition Carbon and Water Fluxes Between the Atmosphere and Biosphere; 1.6M/3y


• NASA Science Utilization of the Soil Moisture Active-Passive Mission (SUSMAP) (2020 – current)

The role of soil moisture in water and carbon cycle interactions and modulating feedbacks to weather – an integrated modeling and satellite data approach; 0.2M/3y


• OpenET (2019 – current)

Enabling Data-Driven Decision Making for Coordinated Sustainable Land and Water Management: Consumptive Use Estimation Program; 146K/3y



• NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) (2016 – 2020)

Tools to Bridge the Gap Between Static CMS Maps, Models, and Stakeholders; 1.3M/3y


• DOE BER Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) (2016 – 2020)

The Carbon-Nutrient Economy of the Rhizosphere: Improving Biogeochemical Prediction and Scaling Feedbacks from Ecosystem to Regional Scales; 0.6M/3y

Principal Investigator

• JPL Strategic University Research Partnership (SURP) (2017 – 2020)

Drought Tipping Points: Can Satellite Remote Sensing Provide Improved Early Warning Signals for Food and Water Security?; 105K/3y

Principal Investigator

• NASA GRACE – GRACE-FO Science Team (GRACE) (2016 – 2019)

Using GRACE to Advance Precipitation Analysis in Cold Regions; 0.6M/4y


• NASA Carbon Cycle Science (CARBON) (2014 – 2018)

Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP) Phase II; 1.6M/3y


• NASA Earth Science Decadal Survey (2010 – 2018)

Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP) Mission

Algorithm Development Team Member

• NASA Terrestrial Hydrology Program (THP) (2012 – 2016)

Bridging the Gap Between MODIS and FLUXNET: Validation of New High Spatial Resolution Satellite-based Estimates of Evapotranspiration Using FLUXNET Observations; 0.5M/3y


• NSF Geography & Spatial Science (GSS) (2014 – 2018)

Collaborative Research: Links Between Long-Term Soil Carbon Storage and Canopy Properties in Tropical Wet Forests; 178K/3y


• JPL Strategic Initiative Research & Technology Development (RTD) (2013 – 2017)

Carbon & Ecosystems; 2M/3y


• NASA SERVIR (SERVIR) (2012 – 2016)

East Africa Drought and Agricultural Productivity Assessment and Prediction System; 1.0M/4y


• NASA Earth Venture Sub-orbital Mission (EVS-1) (2010 – 2016)

Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment (CARVE); 27.9M/5y


• DOE BER Terrestrial Ecosystem Science (TES) (2012 – 2016)

Nutrient Cycle Impacts on Forest Ecosystem Carbon Cycling: Improved Prediction of Climate Feedbacks from Coupled C-Nutrient Dynamics from Ecosystem to Regional Scales; 1M/3y

Principal Investigator

• JPL Strategic Initiative Research & Technology Development (RTD) (2014 – 2016)

Autonomous Small UAVs for In-situ Observation of Ecosystem Properties from Leaf to Canopy; 1.3M/3y


• JPL Strategic University Research Partnership (SURP) (2014 – 2015)

Integrating SMAP Soil Moisture and OCO-2 Fluorescence into UCLA’s SSiB Land Surface Model to Test Tropical Dry Season Productivity Impacts; 200K/2y

Principal Investigator

• JPL Topic Area Research & Technology Development (RTD) (2012 – 2014)

The Regional Hydrological Extremes Assessment System (RHEAS); 250K/2.25y

Principal Investigator

• NSF Ecosystem Science (2012 – 2014)

A Belowground Framework for Predicting How Plant-Microbe Interactions Couple Carbon and Nutrient Economies of Forests; 400K/2y


• NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) (2012 – 2014)

Reduction in Bottom-Up Land Surface CO2 Flux Uncertainty in NASA’s Carbon Monitoring System Flux Project Through Systematic Multi-Model Evaluation and Infrastructure Development; 0.5M/1.5y

Co-Investigator, Science Team Member

Coordinator, Capability Risk Working Group

• NASA Earth System Data Records (ESDR) Uncertainty Analysis (2011 – 2014)

Estimating, Validating and Conveying Measurement Differences Between Land Surface Temperature and Emissivity Products From NASA’s EOS Sensors; 1.2M/3y


• NASA Atmospheric CO2 Observations from Space (ACOS) (2010 – 2014)

Estimation and Attribution of Global CO2 Surface Fluxes Using Satellite Observations of CO2 and CO from TES, GOSAT, and MOPITT; 1.4M/3y


• JPL Strategic Initiative Research & Technology Development (2010 – 2014)

A Multi-disciplinary Evaluation of Earth System Models with Satellite Observations; 4.7M/3y


• NASA Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) (2013 – 2014)

Science Definition Team (SDT) Member

• NASA Carbon Monitoring System Pilot Study (2010 – 2012)

Surface Carbon Fluxes; 1.7M/2.5y


• JPL Topic Area Research & Technology Development (RTD) (2010)

Climate Model Physics




• Fisher, J.B., Sikka, M., Block, G.L., Schwalm, C.R., Parazoo, N.C., Kolus, H.R., Sok, M., Wang, A., Gagne-Landmann, A., Lawal, S., Guillaume, A., Poletti, A., Schaefer, K.M., El Masri, B., Levy, P.E., Wei, Y., Dietze, M.C., Huntzinger, D.N., in review. The JPL Terrestrial Biosphere Model Farm. Submitted to: Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems.

• Krishnamurthy, P.K., Fisher, J.B., Choularton, R.J., Kareiva, P.M., in review. Detecting food security tipping points. Submitted to: Nature.

• Cooley, S.S., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G.H., Goldmisth, G.R., in review. Water use efficiency of global climate transition hotspots reveals critical ecosystem vulnerabilities. Submitted to: Nature Plants.

• Braghiere, R.K., Fisher, J.B., Fisher, R.A., Shi, M., Steidinger, B.S., Sulman, B.N., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Yang, X., Liang, J., Peay, K.G., Crowther, T.W., Phillips, R.P., in review. Climate change impacts on mycorrhizae amplify nitrogen limitation on global plant growth. Submitted to: Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences.

• Braghiere, R.K., Fisher, J.B., Allen, K., Brzostek, E., Shi, M., Yang, X., Ricciuto, D., Fisher, R., Sulman, B., Zhu, Q., Phillips, R., in review. Global carbon cost of plant nitrogen and phosphorus acquisition. Submitted to: New Phytologist.

• Byun, K., Fisher, J.B., Son, K., Missik, J., Gao, Z., Liu, H., Chen, X., in review. ECOSTRESS discovers that distance to river controls plant water use and stress in a semi-arid riparian ecosystem. Submitted to: Water Resources Research.

• Hamberg, J., Fisher, J.B., Ruppert, J., Tureček, J., Rosen, D., James, P.M.A., in review. Diurnal temperature and evapotranspiration changes in forest restoration assessed using ECOSTRESS thermal imaging. Submitted to: Remote Sensing of Environment.

• Cawse-Nicholson, K., Hook, S.J., Fisher, J.B., Schimel, D., Braverman, A., Halverson, G., in review. Diurnal evapotranspiration and stomatal closure: new results from ECOSTRESS. Submitted to: Geophysical Research Letters.

• Peng, S., Yu, K., Fisher, J.B., Gentine, P., Li, Z., in review. The simultaneous time-lag and -accumulation effects of climatic factors on global vegetation activity. Submitted to: Global Ecology & Biogeography.

• Yang, D., Sheng, M., Tang, J., Fisher, J.B., Wang, H., Kattge, J., in review. Long-term leaf CN ratio change under elevated CO2 and nitrogen deposition in China: evidence from observations and process-based modeling. Submitted to: Science of the Total Environment.

• Shang, K., Liang, S., Zhang, Y., Fisher, J.B., Chen, J., Liu, S., Xu, Z., Zhang, Y., Jia, K., Zhang, X., Yang, J., Bei, X., Guo, X., Yu, R., Xie, Z., Zhang, L., in review. DNN-MET: A Deep Neural Networks method to integrate satellite-derived evapotranspiration products, eddy covariance observations and ancillary information. Submitted to: Remote Sensing of Environment.

• Melo, D.C.D., Anache, J.A.A., Wendland, E., Borges, V.P., Miralles, D., Martens, B., Fisher, J.B., Nσbrega, R.L.B., Moreno, A., Cabral, O.M.R., Rodrigues, T.R., Bezerra, B., Silva, C.M.S., Meira Neto, A.A., Moura, M.S.B., Marques, T.V., Campos, S., Nogueira, J.S., Rosolem, R., Souza, R., Antonio, A.C.D., Holl, D., Galleguillos, M., Pιrez-Quezada, J.F., Verhoef, A., Kutzbach, L., Lima, J.R.S., Souza, E.S., Gassman, M.I., Pιrez, C.F., Tonti, N., Posse, G., Rains, D., Oliveira, P.T.S., in review. Are remote sensing evapotranspiration models reliable across South American climates and ecosystems? Submitted to: Water Resources Research.

• Desai, A.R., Khan, A.M., Zheng, T., Paleri, S., Butterworth, B., Lee, T.R., Fisher, J.B., Hulley, G., Kleynhans, T., Gerace, A., Townsend, P.A., Stoy, P.C., Metzger, S., in review. Multi-sensor approach for high space and time resolution land surface temperature. Submitted to: Earth and Space Science.

• Melton, F., Huntington, J., Grimm, R., Herring, J. Hall, M., Rollison, D., Erickson, T., Allen, R., Anderson, M., Blankenau, P., Bromley, M., Daudert, B., Doherty, C., Dunkerly, C., Fisher, J.B., Friedrichs, M., Guzman, A., Hain, C., Halverson, G., Hansen, J., Harding, J., Johnson, L., Kang, Y., Kilic, A., Minor, B., Morton, C., Ortega-Salazar, S., Ott, T., Ozdogan, M., Revelle, P., Ruhoff, A., Schull, M., Senay, G., Volk, J., Wang, T., Yang, Y., in review. OpenET: filling the biggest data gap in water management for the Western United States. Submitted to: Journal of the American Water Resources Association.

• Shi, M., Worden, J.R., Bailey, A., Noone, D., Risi, C., Fu, R., Worden, S.R., Herman, R.L., Payne, V., Pagano, T.S., Bowman, K.W., Bloom, A.A., Saatchi, S., Liu, J., Fisher, J.B., in review. Amazonian terrestrial water balance inferred from satellite-derived water vapor isotopes. Submitted to: Nature Communications.

• Cusack, D.F., Addo-Danso, S, Agee, E.A., Andersen, K.M., Arnaud, M., Batterman, S.A., Brearley, F.Q., Ciochina, M., Cordeiro, A.L., Diaz-Toribio, M.H., Dietterich, L.H., Fisher, J.B., Fleischer, K., Fortunel, C., Fuchslueger, L., Guerrero-Ramirez, N., Kotowska, M., Lugli, L.F., Marin, C., McCullock, L.A., Maeght, J.-L., Metcalfe, D., Norby, R.J., Oliveira, R.S., Powers, J.S., Reichert, T., Smith, S.W., Smith-Martin, C., Soper, F., Toro, L., Umana, M.N., Valverde-Barrantes, O., Weemstra, M., Werden, L., Wong, M., Wright, J.S., Yaffar, D., in review. Tradeoffs and synergies in tropical forest root traits for nutrient and water acquisition. Submitted to: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change.

• Pascolini-Campbell, M., Fisher, J.B., Reager, J.T., in press. GRACE-FO and ECOSTRESS synergies constrain fine-scale impacts on the water balance. Geophysical Research Letters.

• El Masri, B., Stinchcomb, G.E., Cetin, H., Ferguson, B., Kim, S.L., Xiao, J., Fisher, J.B., in press. Linking remotely sensed carbon and water use efficiencies with in-situ soil properties. Remote Sensing.

• Chen, X., Lee, R.M., Dwivedi, D., Son, K., Fang, Y., Zhang, X., Graham, E., Stegen, J., Fisher, J.B., Scheibe, T.D., in press. Integrating field observations and reactive transport modeling to predict watershed water quality under environmental perturbations. Journal of Hydrology.

• Wong, A., Jin, Y., Medellνn-Azuara, J., Paw U, K.T., Kent, E.R., Clay, J.M., Gao, F., Fisher, J.B., Rivera, G., Lee, C.M., Hemes, K.S., Eichelmann, E., Baldocchi, D.D., Hook, S.J., in press. Multi-scale assessment of agricultural consumptive water use in California’s Central Valley. Water Resources Research.

[176] • Fisher, J.B., Keenan, T.F., Buechner, C., Shirkey, G., Perez-Quezada, J.F., Knox, S.H., Frank, J.M., Runkle, B.R.K., Bohrer, G., 2021. Once upon a time, in AmeriFlux. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 126(1): 1-6.

[175] • Xiao, J., Fisher, J.B., Hashimoto, H., Ichii, K., Parazoo, N.C., 2021. Emerging satellite observations for diurnal cycling of ecosystem processes. Nature Plants. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41477-021-00952-8

[174] • Sousa, D., Fisher, J.B., Galvan, F.R., Pavlick, R.P., Cordelli, S., Giambelluca, T.W., Giardina, C.P., Gilbert, G.S., Imran-Narahari, F., Litton, C.M., Lutz, J.A., North, M.P., Orwig, D.A., Ostertag, R., Sack, L., Phillips. R.P., 2021. Tree canopies reflect mycorrhizal composition. Geophysical Research Letters 48(10): 1-9.

[173] • Li, X., Xiao, J., Fisher, J.B., Baldocchi, D.D., 2021. ECOSTRESS estimates gross primary production with fine spatial resolution for different times of day from the International Space Station. Remote Sensing of Environment 258(112360): 1-13.

[172] • Yao, Y., Liang, S., Fisher, J.B., Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Jia, K., Zhang, X., Bei, X., Shang, K., Guo, X., Yang, J., 2021. A novel NIR-Red spectral domain evapotranspiration model from the Chinese GF-1 satellite: application to the Huailai agricultural region of China. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59(5): 4105-4119.

[171] • Keller, A.B., Brzostek, E.R., Craig, M.E., Fisher, J.B., Phillips, R.P., 2021. Root-derived inputs are major contributors to soil carbon in temperate forests, but vary by mycorrhizal type. Ecology Letters 24(4): 626-635.

[170] • Worden, J., Saatchi, S., Keller, M., Bloom, A.A., Liu, J., Parazoo, N., Fisher, J.B., Bowman, K., Reager, J.T., Fahy, K., Schimel, D., Fu, R., Worden, S., Yin, Y., Gentine, P., Konings, A.G., Quetin, G.R., Williams, M., Worden, H., Shi, M., Barkhordarian, A., 2021. Satellite observations of the tropical terrestrial carbon balance and interactions with the water cycle during the 21st century. Reviews of Geophysics 59(1): 1-38.

[169] • Sun, W., Fang, Y., Luo, X., Shiga, Y.P., Zhang, Y., Andrews, A.E., Thoning, K.W., Fisher, J.B., Keenan, T.F., Michalak, A.M., 2021. Midwest US croplands determine model divergence in North American carbon fluxes. AGU Advances 2(2): 1-17.

[168] • Fer, I., Gardella, A.K., Shiklomanov, A.N., Campbell, E.E., Cowdery, E.M., De Kauwe, M.G., Desai, A., Duveneck, M.J., Fisher, J.B., Haynes, K.D., Hoffman, F.M., Johnston, M.R., Kooper, R., LeBauer, D.S., Mantooth, J., Parton, W., Poulter, B., Quaife, T., Raiho, A., Schaefer, K., Serbin, S.P., Wilcox, K.R., Viskari, T., Dietze, M.C., 2021. Beyond ecosystem modeling: a roadmap to community cyberinfrastructure for ecological data-model integration. Global Change Biology 27(1): 13-26.

[167] • Anderson, M.C., Yang, Y., Xue, J., Knipper, K.R., Yang, Y., Gao, F., Hain, C.R., Kustas, W.P., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Hulley, G., Fisher, J.B., Alfieri, J.G., Meyers, T.P., Prueger, J., Baldocchi, D.D., Rey-Sanchez, C., 2021. Interoperability of ECOSTRESS and Landsat for mapping evapotranspiration time series at sub-field scales. Remote Sensing of Environment 252: 1-19.

[166] • Terrer, C., Phillips, R.P., Hungate, B.A., Rosende, J., Pett-Ridge, J., Craig, M., van Groenigen, K.J., Keenan, T.F., Sulman, B.N., Stocker, B.D., Reich, P.B., Pellegrini, A.F.A., Pendall, E., Zhang, H., Evans, R.D., Caillo, Y., Fisher, J.B., Jackson, R.B., 2021. A trade-off between plant and soil carbon storage under elevated CO2. Nature 591: 599-616.

[165] • Cawse-Nicholson, K., Townsend, P.A., Schimel, D., Assiri, A.M., Blake, P.L., Buongiorno, M.F., Campbell, P., Carmon, N., Casey, K.A., Correa-Pabσn, R.E., Dahlin, K.M., Dashti, H., Dennison, P., Dierssen, H., Erickson, A., Fisher, J.B., Frouin, R., Gatebe, C.K., Gholizadeh, H., Gierach, M., Glenn, N.F., Goodman, J.A., Griffith, D.M., Guild, L., Hakkenberg, C.R., Hochberg, E.J., Holmes, T.R.H., Hu, C., Hulley, G., Huemmrich, K.F., Kudela, R.M., Kokaly, R.F., Lee, C.M., Martin, R., Miller, C.E., Moses, W.J., Muller-Karger, F.E., Ortiz, J.D., Otis, D.B., Pahlevan, N., Painter, T.H., Pavlick, R., Poulter, B., Qi, Y., Realmuto, V.J., Roberts, D., Schaepman, M.E., Schneider, F.D., Schwandner, F.M., Serbin, S.P., Shiklomanov, A.N., Stavros, E.N., Thompson, D.R., Torres-Perez, J.L., Turpie, K.R., Tzortziou, M., Ustin, S., Yu, Q., Yusup, Y., Zhang, Q., 2021. NASA’s surface biology and geology designated observable: A perspective on surface imaging algorithms. Remote Sensing of Environment 257(112349): 1-25.

[164] • Walker, A.P., De Kauwe, M.G., Bastos, A., Belmecheri, S., Georgiou, K., Keeling, R., McMahon, S., Medlyn, B.E., Moore, D.J.P., Norby, R.J., Zaehle, S., Anderson-Teixeira, K.J., Battipaglia, G., Brienen, R.J.W., Cabugao, K., Cailleret, M., Campbell, E., Canadell, J., Ciais, P., Craig, M.E., Ellsworth, D., Farquhar, G., Fatichi, S., Fisher, J.B., Frank, D., Graven, H., Gu, L., Haverd, V., Heilman, K., Heimann, M., Hungate, B.A., Iversen, C.M., Joos, F., Jiang, M., Keenan, T.F., Knauer, J., Smith, W.K., Kφrner, C., Leshyk, V.O., Leuzinger, S., Liu, Y., MacBean, N., Malhi, Y., McVicar, A.T., Penuelas, J., Pongratz, J., Powell, A.S., Riutta, T., Sabot, M.E.B., Schleucher, J., Sitch, S., Sulman, B., Taylor, B., Terrer, C., Torn, M., Treseder, K., Trugman, A.T., Trumbore, S., van Mantgem, P.J., Voelker, S.L., Whelan, M., Ziudema, P., 2021. Integrating the evidence for a terrestrial carbon sink caused by increasing atmospheric CO2. New Phytologist 229(5): 2413-2445.

[163] • Fisher, J.B., Lee, B., Purdy, A.J., Halverson, G.H., Dohlen, M.B., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Wang, A., Anderson, R.G., Aragon, B., Arain, M.A., Baldocchi, D.D., Baker, J.M., Barral, H., Bernacchi, C.J., Bernhofer, C., Biraud, S.C., Bohrer, G., Brunsell, N., Cappelaere, B., Castro-Contreras, S., Chun, J., Conrad, B.J., Cremonese, E., Demarty, J., Desai, A.R., De Ligne, A., Foltύnovα, L., Goulden, M.L., Griffis, T.J., Grόnwald, T., Johnson, M.S., Kang, M., Kelbe, D., Kowalska, N., Lim, J.-H., Maοnassara, I., McCabe, M.F., Missik, J.E.C., Mohanty, B.P., Moore, C.E., Morillas, L., Morrison, R., Munger, J.W., Posse, G., Richardson, A.D., Russell, E.S., Ryu, Y., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., Schmidt, M., Schwartz, E., Sharp, I., Šigut, L., Tang, Y., Hulley, G., Anderson, M., Hain, C., French, A., Wood, E., Hook, S., 2020. ECOSTRESS: NASA’s next generation mission to measure evapotranspiration from the International Space Station. Water Resources Research 56(4): 1-20.

[162] • Fisher, J.B., Perakalapudi, N.V., Turner, B., Schimel, D.S., Cusack, D.F., 2020. Competing effects of soil fertility and toxicity on tropical greening. Scientific Reports 10(6725): 1-10.

[161] • Allen, K.E., Fisher, J.B., Phillips. R.P., Powers, J.S., Brzostek, E.R., 2020. Modeling the carbon cost of plant nitrogen and phosphorus uptake across temperate and tropical forests. Frontiers in Forests and Global Change 3(43): 1-12.

[160] • Krishnamurthy, P.K., Fisher, J.B., Schimel, D.S., Kareiva, P.M., 2020. Applying tipping point theory to remote sensing science to improve early warning drought signals for food security. Earth’s Future 8(3): 1-14.

[159] • Pascolini-Campbell, M.A., Reager, J.T., Fisher, J.B., 2020. GRACE-based mass conservation as a validation target for basin-scale evapotranspiration in the contiguous United States. Water Resources Research 56(2): 1-18.

[158] • Kohli, G., Lee, C.M., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G., Variano, E., Jin, Y., Carney, D., Wilder, B.A., Kinoshita, A.M., 2020. ECOSTRESS and CIMIS: a comparison of potential and reference evapotranspiration in Riverside County, California. Remote Sensing 12(24): 1-12.

[157] • Javadian, M., Behrangi, A., Smith, W.K., Fisher, J.B., 2020. Global trends in evapotranspiration dominated by increases across large cropland regions. Remote Sensing 12(7): 1-19.

[156] • Huntzinger, D.N., Schaefer, K., Schwalm, C., Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D., Stofferahn, E., Carey, J., Michalak, A.M., Wei, Y., Jain, A.K., Kolus, H., Mao, J., Poulter, B., Shi, X., Tang, J., Tian, H., 2020. Evaluation of simulated soil carbon dynamics in Arctic-Boreal ecosystems. Environmental Research Letters 15(2): 1-14.

[155] • Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., Michalak, A.M., Schaefer, K., Fisher, J.B., Fang, Y., Wei, Y., 2020. Modeling suggests fossil fuel emissions have been driving increased land carbon uptake since the turn of the 20th Century. Scientific Reports 10(9059): 1-9.

[154] • Sadeghi, M., Ebtehaj, A., Crow, W.T., Gao, L., Purdy, A.J., Fisher, J.B., Jones, S.B., Babaeian, E., Tuller, M., 2020. Global estimates of land surface water fluxes from SMOS and SMAP satellite soil moisture data. Journal of Hydrometeorology 21: 241-253.

[153] • Wu, G., Cai, X., Keenan, T.F., Li, S., Luo, X., Fisher, J.B., Cao, R., Li, F., Purdy, A.J., Zhao, W., Sun, X., Hu, Z., 2020. Evaluating three evapotranspiration estimates from model of different complexity over China using the ILAMB benchmarking system. Journal of Hydrology 590: 1-10.

[152] • Yang, Y., Ren, W., Tao, B., Ji, L., Liang, L., Ruane, A., Fisher, J.B., Liu, J., Sama, M., Li, Z., Tian, Q., 2020. Characterizing spatiotemporal patterns of crop phenology across North America during 2000-2016 using satellite imagery and agricultural survey data. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 170: 156-173.

[151] • He, Y., Peng, S., Liu, Y., Li, X., Wang, K., Ciais, P., Arain, M.A., Fang, Y., Fisher, J.B., Goll, D., Hayes, D., Huntzinger, D., Ito, A., Jacobson, A., Jain, A., Janssens, I., Mao, J., Campioli, M., Michalak, A., Peng, C., Penuelas, J., Poulter, B., Qin, D., Ricciuto, D., Schaefer, K., Schwalm, C., Shi, X., Tian, H., Vicca, S., Wei, Y., Zeng, N., Zhu, Q., 2020. Global vegetation biomass production efficiency constrained by models and observations. Global Change Biology 26(3): 1474-1484.

[150] • Shi, M., Fisher, J.B., Phillips. R.P., Brzostek, E.R., 2019. Neglecting plant–microbe symbioses leads to underestimation of modeled climate impacts. Biogeosciences 16: 457-465.

[149] • Stofferahn, E., Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D.J., Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., Hantson, W., Poulter, B., Zhang, Z., 2019. The Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment Model Benchmarking System. Environmental Research Letters 14(5): 055002.

[148] • Bogue, R.R., Schwandner, F.M., Fisher, J.B., Pavlick, R., Magney, T.S., Famiglietti, C.A., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Yadav, V., Linick, J.P., North, G.B., Duarte, E., 2019. Plant responses to volcanically elevated CO2 in two Costa Rican forests. Biogeosciences 16(6): 1343-1360.

[147] • Stoy, P., El-Madany, T., Fisher, J.B., Gentine, P., Gerken, T., Good, S., Liu, S., Miralles, D., Perez-Priego, O., Skaggs, T., Wohlfahrt, G., Anderson, R., Jung, M., Maes, W., Mammarella, I., Mauder, M., Migliavacca, M., Nelson, J., Poyatos, R., Reichstein, M., Scott, R., Wolf, S., 2019. Reviews and syntheses: Turning the challenges of partitioning ecosystem evaporation and transpiration into opportunities. Biogeosciences 16(19): 3747-3775.

[146] • Purdy, A.J., Kawata, J., Fisher, J.B., Reynolds, M., Om, G., Ali, Z., Babikian, J., Roman, C., Mann, L., 2019. Designing drought indicators. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 100(11): 2327-2341.

[145] • Schwalm, C.R., Schaefer, K., Fisher, J.B., Huntzinger, D., Elshorbany, Y., Fang, Y., Hayes, D., Jafarov, E., Michalak, A.M., Piper, M., Stofferahn, E., Wang, K., Wei, Y., 2019. Divergence in land surface modeling: linking spread to structure. Environmental Research Communications 1(11): 1-11.

[144] • Cooley, S.S., Williams, C.A., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G.H., Perret, J., Lee, C.M., 2019. Assessing regional drought impacts on vegetation and evapotranspiration: a case study in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Ecological Applications 29(2): 1-21.

[143] • McCabe, M.F., Miralles, D.G., Holmes, T.R.H., Fisher, J.B., 2019. Advances in the remote sensing of terrestrial evaporation. Remote Sensing 11(9): 1-8.

[142] • Kolus, H.R., Huntzinger, D.N, Schwalm, C.R., Fisher, J.B., McKay, N., Fang, Y., Michalak, A.M., Schaefer, K., Wei, Y., Poulter, B., Mao, J., Parazoo, N., Shi, X., 2019. Land carbon models underestimate the severity and duration of drought’s impact on plant productivity. Scientific Reports 9(1): 1-10.

[141] • Cui, E. Huang, K. Arain, M.A., Fisher, J.B., Huntzinger, D., Ito, A., Luo, Y., Jain, A., Mao, J., Michalak, A., Niu, S., Parazoo, N., Peng, C., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D., Schaefer, K., Schwalm, C., Shi, X., Tian, H., Wang, W., Wang, J., We, Y., Yan, E.-R., Yan, L., Zeng, N., Zhu, Q., Xia, J., 2019. Vegetation functional properties determine uncertainty of simulated ecosystem productivity: a traceability analysis in the East Asian monsoon region. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 33: 1-22.

[140] • Guillevic, P., Olioso, A., Hook, S.J., Fisher, J.B., Lagouarde, J.-P., Vermote, E.F., 2019. Impact of the revisit of thermal infrared remote sensing observations on evapotranspiration uncertainty – A sensitivity study using AmeriFlux data. Remote Sensing 11(5): 1-32.

[139] • Xu, J., Yao, Y., Liang, S., Fisher, J.B., Jia, K., Zhang, X., Lin, Y., Zhang, L., Chen, X., 2019. Merging the MODIS and Landsat terrestrial latent heat flux products using the multiresolution tree method. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 57(5): 2811-2823.

[138] • Terrer, C., Jackson, R.B., Prentice, I.C., Keenan, T.F., Kaiser, C., Vicca, S., Fisher, J.B., Reich, P.B., Stocker, B.D., Hungate, B.A., Peρuelas, J., McCallum, I., Soudzilovskaia, N.A., Cernusak, L.A., Talhelm, A.F., Van Sudnert, K., Piao, S., Newton, P.C.D., Hovenden, M.J., Blumenthal, D.M., Liu, Y.Y., Mόller, C., Winter, K., Field, C.B., Viechtbauer, W., Van Lissa, C., Hoosbeek, M., Watanabe, M., Koike, T., Leshyk, V., Polley, H., Franklin, O., 2019. Nitrogen and phosphorus constrain the CO2 fertilization of global plant biomass. Nature Climate Change 9: 684-689.

[137] • Soudzilovskaia, N.A., van Bodgeom, P.M., Terrer, C., van’t Zelfde, M., McCallum, I., McCormack, M.L., Fisher, J.B., Brundrett, M., de Sα, N.C., Tedersoo, L., 2019. Global mycorrhizal plants distribution linked to terrestrial carbon stocks. Nature Communications 10(5077): 1-10.

[136] • El Masri, B., Schwalm, C., Huntzinger, D.N., Mao, J., Shi, X., Peng, C., Fisher, J.B., Jain, A., Tian, H., Poulter, B., Michalak, A.M., 2019. Carbon and water use efficiencies: a comparative analysis of ten terrestrial ecosystem models under changing climate. Scientific Reports 9(1): 14680

[135] • Fisher, R.A., Wieder, W.R., Sanderson, B.M., Koven, C.D., Oleson, K.W., Xu, C., Fisher, J.B., Shi, M., Walker, A.P., Lawrence, D.M., 2019. Parametric controls on vegetation responses to biogeochemical forcing in the CLM5. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11(9): 2879-2895.

[134] • Schimel, D., Schneider, F.D., Bloom, A., Bowman, K., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Elder, C., Ferraz, A., Fisher, J.B., Hulley, G., Liu, J., Magney, T., Meyer, V., Miller, C., Parazoo, N., Pavlick, R., Podest, E., Saatchi, S., Stavros, N., Keller, M., Townsend, P., Zheng, T., 2019. Flux towers in the sky: global ecology from space. New Phytologist 224(2): 570-584.

[133] • Magney, T.S., Frankenberg, C., Kφhler, P., North, G., Davis, T.S., Dold, C., Dutta, D., Fisher, J.B., Grossmann, K., Harrington, A., Hatfield, J., Stutz, J., Sun, Y., Porcar-Castell, A., 2019. Disentangling changes in the spectral shape of chlorophyll fluorescence: Implications for remote sensing of photosynthesis. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 124: 1491-1507.

[132] • Yao, Y., Zhang, Y., Liu, Q., Liu, S., Jia, K., Zhang, X., Xu, Z., Xu, T., Chen, J., Fisher, J.B., 2019. Evaluation of a satellite-derived model parameterized by three soil moisture constraints to estimate terrestrial latent heat flux in the Heihe River Basin of Northwest China. Science of the Total Environment 695(133787): 1-14.

[131] • Liu, Y., Piao, S., Gasser, T., Ciais, P., Yang, H., Wang, H., Keenan, T.F., Huang, M., Wan, S., Song, J., Wang, K., Janssens, I.A., Peρuelas, J., Huntingford, C., Wang, X., Arain, M.A., Fang, Y., Fisher, J.B., Huang, M., Huntzinger, D.N., Ito, A., Jain, A.K., Mao, J., Michalak, A.M., Peng, C., Poulter, B., Schwalm, C., Shi, X., Tian, H., Wei, Y., Zeng, N., Zhu, Q., Wang, T., 2019. Field-experiment constraints on the enhancement of the terrestrial carbon sink by CO2 fertilisation. Nature Geoscience: 10.1038/s41561-019-0436-1.

[130] • Lawrence, D.M., Fisher, R.A., Koven, C.D., Oleson, K.W., Swenson, S.C., Bonan, G., Collier, N., Ghimire, B., van Kampenhout, L., Kennedy, D., Kluzek, E., Lawrence, P.J., Li, F., Li, H., Lombardozzi, D., Riley, W.J., Sacks, W.J., Shi, M., Vertenstein, M., Wieder, W.R., Xu, C., Ali, A.A., Badger, A.M., Bisht, G., Brunke, M.A., Burns, S.P., Buzan, J., Clark, M., Craig, A., Dahlin, K., Drewniak, B., Fisher, J.B., Flanner, M., Fox, A.M., Gentine, P., Hoffman, F., Keppel-Aleks, G., Knox, R., Kumar, S., Lenaerts, J., Leung, L.R., Lipscomb, W.H., Lu, Y., Pandey, A., Pelletier, J.D., Perket, J., Randerson, J.T., Ricciuto, D.M., Sanderson, B.M., Slater, A., Subin, Z.M., Tang, J., Thomas, R.Q., Val Martin, M., Zeng, X., 2019. The Community Land Model version 5: Description of new features, benchmarking, and impact of forcing uncertainty. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 11(12): 4245-4287.

[129] • Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D.J., Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., Stofferahn, E., Schaefer, K., Luo, Y., Wullschleger, S.D., Goetz, S., Miller, C.E., Griffith, P., Chadburn, S., Chatterjee, A., Ciais, P., Douglas, T.A., Genet, H., Ito, A., Neigh, C.S.R., Poulter, B., Rogers, B.M., Sonnentag, O., Tian, H., Wang, W., Xue, Y., Yang, Z.-L., Zeng, N., 2018. Missing pieces to modeling the Arctic-Boreal puzzle. Environmental Research Letters 13(2): 020202.

[128] • Purdy, A.J., Fisher, J.B., Goulden, M.L., Colliander, A., Halverson, G., Tu, K., Famiglietti, J.S., 2018. SMAP soil moisture improves global evapotranspiration. Remote Sensing of Environment 219: 1-14.

[127] • Cawse-Nicholson, K., Fisher, J.B., Famiglietti, C.A., Braverman, A., Schwandner, F.M., Lewicki, J.L., Townsend, P.A., Schimel, D.S., Pavlick, R., Bormann, K.J., Ferraz, A., Kang, E.L., Ma, P., Bogue, R.R., Youmans, T., Pieri, D.C., 2018. Ecosystem responses to elevated CO2 using airborne remote sensing at Mammoth Mountain, California. Biogeosciences 15: 7403-7418.

[126] • Famiglietti, C.A., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G., Borbas, E.E., 2018. Global validation of MODIS near-surface air and dew point temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters 45: doi.org/10.1029/2018GL077813.

[125] • Luo, X., Keenan, T.F., Fisher, J.B., Jimιnez-Muρoz, J.-C., Chen, J.M., Jiang, C., Ju, W., Perakalapudi, N.-V., Ryu, Y., Tadić, J.M., 2018. The impact of the 2015/2016 El Niρo on global photosynthesis using satellite remote sensing. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 373: 20170409.

[124] • Singh, A., Behrangi, A., Fisher, J.B., Reager, J.T., 2018. On the desiccation of the South Aral Sea observed from spaceborne missions. Remote Sensing 10(793): doi:10.3390/rs10050793.

[123] • Bruhwiler, L., Michalak, A.M., Birdsey, R., Fisher, J.B., Houghton, R.A., Huntzinger, D.N., Miller, J.B., 2018. Chapter 1: Overview of the global carbon cycle. In: Second State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR2): A Sustained Assessment Report. Cavallaro, N., Shrestha, G., Birsey, R., Mayes, M.A., Najjar, R.g., Reed, S.C., Romero-Lankao, P., Zhu, Z. (eds). U.S. Global Change Research Program, Washington, DC, USA: 42-70.

[122] • Behrangi, A., Gardner, A., Reager, J.T., Fisher, J.B., Yang, D., Huffman, G.J., Adler, R.F., 2018. Using GRACE to estimate snowfall accumulation and assess gauge undercatch corrections in high latitudes. Journal of Climate 31(21): 8689-8704.

[121] • Aragon, B., Houborg, R., Tu, K., Fisher, J.B., McCabe, M., 2018. CubeSats enable high spatiotemporal retrievals of crop-water use for precision agriculture. Remote Sensing 10(12): 1-23.

[120] • Talsma, C.J., Good, S.P., Miralles, D.G., Fisher, J.B., Martens, B., Jimιnez, C., Purdy, A.J., 2018. Sensitivity of evapotranspiration components in remote sensing-based models. Remote Sensing 10(1601): 1-28.

[119] • Jimιnez, C., Martens, B., Miralles, D.M., Fisher, J.B., Beck, H.E., Fernαndez-Prieto, D., 2018. Exploring the merging of the global land evaporation WACMOS-ET product based on local measurements. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 22(8): 4513-4533.

[118] • Vinya, R., Malhi, Y., Brown, N.D., Fisher, J.B., Brodribb, T., Aragγo, L.E.O.C., 2018. Seasonal changes in plant–water relations influence patterns of leaf display in Miombo woodlands: evidence of water conservative strategies. Tree Physiology 62: 1-9.

[117] • Talsma, C., Good, S.P., Jimenez, C., Martens, B., Fisher, J.B., Miralles, D.G., McCabe, M.F., Purdy, A.J., 2018. Partitioning of evapotranspiration in remote sensing-based models. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 260-261: 131-143.

[116] • Moyano, M.C., Garcia, M., Palacios-Orueta, A., Tornos, L., Fisher, J.B., Fernαndez, N., Recuero, L., Juana, L., 2018. Water use based on a thermal and optical remote sensing model in the semi-arid region of Doρana. Remote Sensing 10(7): 1105-1128.

[115] • Zhou, S., Liang, J., Lu, X., Li, Q., Jiang, L., Zhang, Y., Schwalm, C.R., Fisher, J.B., Tjiputra, J., Sitch, S., Ahlstrφm, A., Huntzinger, D.N., Huang, Y., Wang, G., Luo, Y., 2018. Sources of uncertainty in modeled land carbon storage within and across three MIPs: diagnosis with three new techniques. Journal of Climate 31(7): 2833-2851.

[114] • Huang, K., Xia, J., Wang, Y., Ahlstrφm, A., Chen, J., Cook, R.B., Cui, E., Fang, Y., Fisher, J.B., Huntzinger, D.N., Li, Z., Michalak, A.M., Qiao, Y., Schaefer, K., Schwalm, C., Wang, J., Wei, Y., Xu, X., Yan, L., Bian, C., Luo, Y., 2018. Enhanced peak growth of global vegetation and its key mechanisms. Nature Ecology & Evolution: 1-9. doi: 10.1038/s41559-018-0714-0.

[113] • Yao, Y., Liang, S., Cao, B., Liu, S., Yu, G., Jia, K., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Fisher, J.B., 2018. Satellite detection of water stress effects on terrestrial latent heat flux with MODIS shortwave infrared reflectance data. Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres 123(11): 410-430.

[112] • Forbes, W., Mao, J., Jin, M., Kao, S.-C., Fu, W., Shi, X., Ricciuto, D., Thornton, P., Ribes, A., Wang, Y., Piao, S., Zhao, T., Schwalm, C., Hoffman, F., Fisher, J.B., Ito, A., Poulter, B., Fang, Y., Tian, H., Jain, A., 2018. Contribution of environmental forcings to US runoff changes for the period 1950-2010. Environmental Research Letters 13(5): 054023.

[111] • Fisher, J.B., Melton, F., Middleton, E., Hain, C., Anderson, M., Allen, R., McCabe, M.F., Hook, Baldocchi, D., Townsend, P.A., Kilic, A., Tu, K., Miralles, D.D., Perret, J., Lagouarde, J.-P., Waliser, D., Purdy, A.J., French, A., Schimel, D., Famiglietti, J.S., Stephens, G., Wood, E.F., 2017. The Future of Evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources. Water Resources Research 53(4): 2618-2626.

[110] • Colliander, A., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G., Merlin, O., Misra, S., Bindlish, R., Jackson, T.J., Yueh, S., 2017. Spatial downscaling of SMAP soil moisture using MODIS land surface temperature and NDVI during SMAPVEX15. IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters 14(11): 2107-2111.

[109] • Magney, T.S., Frankenberg, C., Fisher, J.B., Sun, Y., North, G.B., Davis, T.S., Kornfeld, A. Siebke, K., 2017. Connecting active to passive fluorescence with photosynthesis: a method for evaluating remote sensing measurements of chlorophyll fluorescence. New Phytologist 215(4): 1594-1608.

[108] • Qiu, B., Xue, Y., Fisher, J.B., Guo, W., Berry, J.A., Zhang, Y., 2018. Satellite chlorophyll fluorescence and soil moisture observations lead to advances in the predictive understanding of global terrestrial coupled carbon–water cycles. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 32: 1-16.

[107] • Schwalm, C.R., Anderegg, W.R.L., Michalak, A.M., Fisher, J.B., Biondi, F., Koch, G., Litvak, M., Ogle, K., Shaw, J.D., Wolf, A., Huntzinger, D.N., Schaefer, K., Cook, R., Wei, Y., Fang, Y., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Jain, A., Tian, H., 2017. Global patterns of drought recovery. Nature 548: 202-205.

[106] • Behrangi, A., Gardner, A., Reager, J.T., Fisher, J.B., 2017. Using GRACE to constrain precipitation amount over cold mountainous basins. Geophysical Research Letters 44: 1-9. doi:10.1002/2016GL071832.

[105] • Jeong, S.-J., Schimel, D., Frankenberg, C., Drewry, D., Fisher, J.B., Verma, M., Berry, J.A., Lee, J.-E., Joiner, J., 2017. Application of satellite solar-induced chlorophyll fluorescence to understanding large-scale variations in vegetation phenology and function over northern high latitude forests. Remote Sensing of Environment 190: 178-187.

[104] • Andreadis, K.M., Das, N., Stampoulis, D., Ines, A., Fisher, J.B., Granger, S., Kawata, J., Han, E., Behrangi, A., 2017. The Regional Hydrologic Extremes Assessment System: A software framework for hydrologic modeling and data assimilation. PloS ONE 12(5): e0176506.

[103] • Zhou, S., Yu, B., Schwalm, C., Ciais, P., Zhang, Y., Fisher, J.B., Michalak, A., Wang, W., Poulter, B., Huntzinger, D., Niu, S., Mao, J., Jain, A., Ricciuto, D., Shi, X., Ito, A., Wei, Y., Huang, Y., Wang, G., 2017. Response of water use efficiency to global environmental change based on output from terrestrial biosphere models. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31(11): 1639-1655.

[102] • Stavros, E.N., Schimel, D., Pavlick, R., Serbin, S., Swann, A., Duncanson, L., Fisher, J.B., Fassnacht, F., Ustin, S., Dubayah, R., Schweiger, A., Wennberg, P., 2017. ISS observations offer insights into plant function. Nature Ecology & Evolution 1(0194): 1-4.

[101] • Yao, Y., Liang, S., Yu, J., Chen, J., Liu, S., Lin, Y., Fisher, J.B., McVicar, T.R., Cheng, J., Jia, K., Zhang, X., Xie, X., Jiang, B., Sun, L., 2017. A simple temperature domain two-source model for estimating agricultural field surface energy fluxes from Landsat imagery. Journal of Geophysical Research- Atmospheres 122(10): 5211-5236.

[100] • Terrer, C., Vicca, S., Hungate, B.A., Phillips, R.P., Reich, P.B., Franklin, O., Stocker, B.D., Fisher, J.B., Prentice, I.C., 2017. Response to comment on “Mycorrhizal association as primary control of the CO2 fertilization effect”. Science 355(6323): 358-359.

[99] • Yao, Y., Liang, S., Li, X., Zhang, Y., Chen, J., Jia, K., Zhang, X., Fisher, J.B., Wang, X., Zhang, L., Xu, J., Shao, C., Posse, G., Li, Y., Magliulo, V., Varlagin, A., Moors, E.J., Boike, J., Macfarlane, C., Kato, T., Buchmann, N., Billesbach, D.P., Beringer, J., Wolf, S., Papuga, S.A., Wohlfahrt, G., Montagnani, L., Ardφ, J., Paul-Limoges, E., Emmel, C., Hφrtnagl, L., Sachs, T., Gruening, C., Gioli, B., Lσpez-Ballesteros, A., Steinbrecher, R., Gielen, B., 2017. Estimations of high-resolution terrestrial evapotranspiration from Landsat data using a simple Taylor skill fusion method. Journal of Hydrology 553: 508-526.

[98] • Fang, Y., Michalak, A.M., Schwalm, C., Huntzinger, D., Berry J.A., Ciais, P., Piao, S., Poulter, B., Fisher, J.B., Cook, R.B., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Ito, A., Lei, H., Mao, J., Parazoo, N., Shi, X., Tao, B., Wang, W., Wei, Y., Yang, J., 2017. Global land carbon sink response to temperature and precipitation varies with ENSO phase. Environmental Research Letters 12(6): 064007.

[97] • Yao, Y., Liang, S., Li, X., Chen, J., Liu, S., Jia, K., Zhang, X., Xiao, Z., Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Pan, M., Liu, M., Cheng, J., Jiang, B., Xie, X., Grόnwald, T., Bernhofer, C., Roupsard, O., 2017. Improving global terrestrial evapotranspiration estimation using support vector machine by merging three process-based algorithms. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 242: 55-74.

[96] • Huntzinger, D.N., Michalak, A.M., Schwalm, C., Ciais, P., King, A.W., Fang, Y., Schaefer, K., Wei, Y., Cook, R.B., Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Ito, A., Jain, A.K., Lei, H., Lu, C., Maignan, F., Mao, J., Parazoo, N., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D., Shi, X., Tian, H., Wang, W., Zeng, N., Zhao, F., 2017. Uncertainty in the response of terrestrial carbon sink to environmental drivers undermines carbon-climate feedback predictions. Scientific Reports 7(4765): 1-8.

[95] • Fisher, J.B., Sweeney, S., Brzostek, E.R., Evans, T.P., Johnson, D.J., Myers, J.A., Bourg, N.A., Wolf, A.T., Howe, R.W., Phillips, R.P., 2016. Tree–mycorrhizal associations detected remotely from canopy spectral properties. Global Change Biology 22(7): 2596-2607.

[94] • Fisher, J.B., Sikka, M., Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C., Liu, J., 2016. 3-hourly temporal downscaling of monthly global terrestrial biosphere model net ecosystem exchange. Biogeosciences 13(14): 4271-4277.

[93] • Shi, M., Fisher, J.B., Brzostek, E.R., Phillips. R.P., 2016. Carbon cost of plant nitrogen acquisition: global carbon cycle impact from an improved plant nitrogen cycle in the Community Land Model. Global Change Biology 22(3): 1299-1314.

[92] • Vergopolan, N., Fisher, J.B., 2016. The impact of deforestation on the hydrological cycle in Amazonia as observed from remote sensing. International Journal of Remote Sensing 37(22): 5412-5430.

[91] • Purdy, A., Fisher, J.B., Goulden, M.L., Famiglietti, J.S., 2016. Ground heat flux: an analytical review of 6 models evaluated at 88 sites and globally. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 121: doi:10.1002/2016JG003591.

[90] • Verma, M., Fisher, J.B., Mallick, K., Ryu, Y., Kobayashi, H., Guillaume, A., Moore, G., Ramakrishnan, L., Hendrix, V., Wolf, S., Sikka, M., Kiely, G., Wohlfahrt, G., Gielen, B., Roupsard, O., Toscano, P., Arain, M.A., Cascatti, A., 2016. Global surface net-radiation at 5 km from MODIS Terra. Remote Sensing 8(739): 1-20; doi:10.3390/rs8090739.

[89] • Wolf, S., Keenan, T.F., Fisher, J.B., Baldocchi, D.D., Desai, A.R., Richardson, A.D., Scott, R.L., Law, B.E., Litvak, M.E., Brunsell, N.A., Peters, W., van der Laan-Luijkx, I.T., 2016. Warm spring reduced carbon cycle impact of the 2012 US summer drought. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 113(21): 5880-5885.

[88] • Cai, X., Yang, Z.-L., Fisher, J.B., Zhang, X., Barlage, M., Chen, F., 2016. Integration of nitrogen dynamics into the Noah-MP land model v1.1 for climate and environmental predictions. Geoscientific Model Development 9: 1-15.

[87] • Fang, K., Shen, C., Fisher, J.B., Niu, J., 2016. Improving Budyko-curve-based estimates of long-term water partitioning using hydrologic signatures from GRACE. Water Resources Research 52: 5537-5554.

[86] • Lee, J.-H., Biging, G.S., Fisher, J.B., 2016. An individual tree-based automated registration of aerial images to LiDAR data in a forested area. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing 82(9): 699-710.

[85] • Thomas, R.T., Prentice, I.C., Graven, H., Fisher, J.B., Huang, M., Huntzinger, D.N., Ito, A., Jacobson, A., Jain, A., Mao, J., Michalak, A., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D.M., Shi, X., Schwalm, C., Tian, H., Zeng, N., 2016. Increased light-use efficiency in northern terrestrial ecosystems indicated by CO2 and greening observations. Geophysical Research Letters 43: 11339-11349.

[84] • Stampoulis, D., Andreadis, K.M., Granger, S.L., Fisher, J.B., Turk, J.F., Behrangi, A., Das, N.D., Ines, A.V., 2016. Assessing hydro-ecological vulnerability using microwave radiometric measurements from WindSat. Remote Sensing of Environment 184: 58-72.

[83] • Shao, J., Zhou, X., Luo, Y., Zhang, G., Yan, W., Li, J., Li, B., Dan, L., Fisher, J.B., Gao, Z., He, Y., Huntzinger, D., Jain, A.K., Mao, J., Meng, J., Michalak, A.M., Parazoo, N.C., Peng, C., Poulter, B., Schwalm, C.R., Shi, X., Sun, R., Tao, F., Tian, H., Wei, Y., Zeng, N., Zhu, Q., Zhu, W., 2016. Uncertainty analysis of terrestrial net primary productivity and net biome productivity in China during 1901-2005. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 121(5): 1372-1393.

[82] • Michel, D., Jimenez, C., Miralles, D.G., Jung, M., Hirschi, M., Ershadi, A., Martens, B., McCabe, M.F., Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Seneviratne, S.I., Wood, E.F., Fernandez-Prieto, D., 2016. The WACMOS-ET project – Part 1: tower-scale evaluation of four remote sensing-based evapotranspiration algorithms. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20: 803-822.

[81] • Miralles, D.G., Jimenez, C., Jung, M., Michel, D., Ershadi, A., McCabe, M.F., Hirschi, M., Martens, B., Dolman, A.J., Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Seneviratne, S.I., Wood, E.F., Fernandez-Prieto, D., 2016. The WACMOS-ET project – Part 2: evaluation of global terrestrial evaporation data sets. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 20: 823-842.

[80] • Ali, A., Xu, C., Rogers, A., Fisher, R., Wullschleger, S., McDowell, N., Massoud, E., Vrugt, J., Muss, J., Fisher, J.B., Reich, P., Wilson, C., 2016. A global scale mechanistic model of the photosynthetic capacity (LUNA V1.0). Geoscientific Model Development 9: 587-606.

[79] • Ito, A., Inatomi, M., Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C., Michalak, A.M., Cook, R., King, A.W., Mao, J., Wei, Y., Post, W.M., Wang, W., Arain, M.A., Hayes, D.J., Ricciuto, D.M., Shi, X., Huang, M., Lei, H., Tian, H., Lu, C., Yang, J., Tao, B., Jain, A., Poulter, B., Peng, S., Ciais, P., Fisher, J.B., Parazoo, N., Schaefer, K., Peng, C., Zeng, N., Zhao, F., 2016. Decadal trends in the seasonal-cycle amplitude of terrestrial CO2 exchange: an analysis of Multi-scale Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project ensemble of terrestrial biosphere models. Tellus B 68(28968): 1-20.

[78] • Houborg, R., Fisher, J.B., Skidmore, A.K., 2015. Advances in remote sensing of vegetation function and traits. International Journal of Applied Observation and Geoinformation 43: 1-6.

[77] • Badgley, G., Fisher, J.B., Jimιnez, C., Tu, K.P., Vinukollu, R., 2015. On uncertainty in global terrestrial evapotranspiration estimates from choice of input forcing datasets. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(4): 1449-1455.

[76] • Schimel, D., Stephens, B.B., Fisher, J.B., 2015. Effect of increasing CO2 on the terrestrial carbon cycle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 112(2): 436-441.

[75] • Schimel, D., Pavlick, R., Fisher, J.B., Asner, G., Saatchi, S., Miller, C., Frankenberg, C., Hibbard, K., Cox, P., 2015. Observing terrestrial ecosystems and the carbon cycle from space. Global Change Biology 21(5): 1762-1776.

[74] • Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., Fisher, J.B., Michalak, A.M., Bowman, K., Cias, P., Cook, R., El-Masri, B., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Ito, A., Jacobson, A., Jain, A., King, A.W., Lei, H., Liu, J., Lu, C., Mao, J., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D., Schaefer, K., Shi, X., Tao, B., Tian, H., Wang, W., Wei, Y., Yang, J., Zeng, N., 2015. Toward “optimal” integration of terrestrial biosphere models. Geophysical Research Letters 42(11): 4418-4428.

[73] • Yuan, W., Chen, Y., Xia, J., Fisher, J.B., Dong, W., Zhang, X., Liang, S., Ye, A., Cai, W., Feng, J., 2015. Using Bayesian model averaging to estimate terrestrial evapotranspiration in China. Journal of Hydrology 528: 537-549.

[72] • Mao, J., Fu, W., Shi, X., Ricciuto, D., Fisher, J.B., Dickinson, R., Wei, Y., Shem, W., Piao, S., Wang, K., Schwalm, C., Tian, H., Mu, M., Arain, A., Ciais, P., Cook, R., Dai, Y., Hayes, D., Hoffman, F., Huang, M., Huang, S., Huntzinger, D., Ito, A., Jain, A., King, A., Lei, H., Lu, C., Michalak, A., Parazoo, N., Peng, C., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Schaefer, K., Jafarov, E., Thornton, P., Wang, W., Zeng, N., Zhenzhong, Z., Fang, Z., Zhu, Q., Zhu, Z., 2015. Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends. Environmental Research Letters 10: 094008.

[71] • Yao, Y., Liang, S., Li, X., Chen, J., Wang, K., Jia, K., Cheng, J., Jiang, B., Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Grόnwald, T., Bernhofer, C., Roupsard, O., 2015. A satellite-based hybrid algorithm to determine the Priestley-Taylor parameter for global terrestrial latent heat flux estimation across multiple biomes. Remote Sensing of Environment 165: 216-233.

[70] • Fisher, J.B., Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C.R., Sitch, S., 2014. Modeling the terrestrial biosphere. Annual Review of Environment and Resources 39: 91-123.

[69] • Fisher, J.B., Sikka, M., Oechel, W.C., Huntzinger, D.N., Melton, J.R., Koven, C.D., Ahlstrφm, A., Arain, M.A., Baker, I., Chen, J.M., Ciais, P., Davidson, C., Dietze, M., El-Masri, B., Hayes, D., Huntingford, C., Jain, A.K., Levy, P.E., Lomas, M.R., Poulter, B., Price, D., Sahoo, A.K., Schaefer, K., Tian, H., Tomelleri, E., Verbeeck, H., Viovy, Wania, R., N., Zeng, N., Miller, C.E., 2014. Carbon cycle uncertainty in the Alaskan Arctic. Biogeosciences 11(15): 4271-4288.

[68] • Brzostek, E.R., Fisher, J.B., Phillips, R.P., 2014. Modeling the carbon cost of plant nitrogen acquisition: mycorrhizal trade-offs and multi-path resistance uptake improve predictions of retranslocation. Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences 119(8): 1684-1697.

[67] • Armanios, D., Fisher, J.B., 2014. Measuring water availability with limited ground data: An entirely remote sensing-based hydrologic budget model of the Rufiji Basin, Tanzania using TRMM, GRACE, MODIS, SRB and AIRS. Hydrological Processes 28(3): 853-867.

[66] • Parazoo, N.C., Bowman, K., Fisher, J.B., Frankenberg, C., Jones, D.B.A., Cescatti, A., Pιrez-Priego, Σ, Wohlfahrt, G., Montagnani, L., 2014. Terrestrial gross primary production inferred from satellite fluorescence and vegetation models. Global Change Biology 20(10): 3103-3121.

[65] • Behrangi, A., Andreadis, K., Fisher, J.B., Turk, F.J., Granger, S., Painter, T., Das, N., 2014. Satellite-based precipitation estimation and its application for streamflow prediction over mountainous western US basins. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 53: 2823-2842.

[64] • Behrangi, A., Wong, S., Mallick, K., Fisher, J.B., 2014. On the net surface water exchange rate estimated from remote sensing observation and reanalysis. International Journal of Remote Sensing 35(6): 2170-2185.

[63] • Chen, Y., Xia, J., Liang, S., Feng, J., Fisher, J.B., Li, X., Li, X., Liu, S., Ma, Z., Miyata, A., Mu, Q., Sun, L., Tang, J., Wang, K., Wen, J., Xue, Y., Yu, G., Zha, T., Zhang, L., Zhang, Q., Zhao, T., Zhao, L., Zhou, G., Yuan, W., 2014. Comparison of satellite-based evapotranspiration models over terrestrial ecosystems in China. Remote Sensing of Environment 140: 279-293.

[62] • Yao, Y., Liang, S., Li, X., Hong, Y., Fisher, J.B., Zhang, N., Chen, J., Cheng, J., Zhao, S., Zhang, X., Jiang, B., Sun, L., Jia, K., Wang, K., Chen, Y., Mu, Q., Feng, F., 2014. Bayesian multimodel estimation of global terrestrial latent heat flux from eddy covariance, meteorological, and satellite observations. Journal of Geophysical Research 119(8): 4521-4545.

[61] • Deng, F., Jones, D.B.A., Henze, D.K., Bousserez, N., Bowman, K.W., Fisher, J.B., Nassar, R., O’Dell, C., Wunch, D., Wennberg, P.O., Kort, E.A., Wofsy, S.C., Blumkenstock, T., Deutscher, N.M., Griffith, D., Hase, F., Heikkinen, P., Sherlock, V., Strong, K., Sussmann, R., Warneke, T., 2014. Inferring regional sources and sinks of atmospheric CO2 from GOSAT XCO2 data. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14: 3703-3727.

[60] • Christoffersen, B.O., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Arain, M.A., Baker, I.T., Cestaro, B.P., Ciais, P., Fisher, J.B., et al., 2014. Mechanisms of water supply and vegetation demand govern the seasonality and magnitude of evapotranspiration in Amazonia and Cerrado. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 191: 33-50.

[59] • Clark, K.E., Torres, M.A., West, A.J., Hilton, R.G., New, M., Horwath, A.B., Fisher, J.B., Rapp, J.M., Robles Caceres, A., Malhi, Y., 2014. The hydrological regime of a forested tropical Andean valley. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 18: 5377-5397.

[58] • Traore, A.K., Ciais, P., Vuichard, N., McBean, N., Dardel, C., Poulter, B., Piao, S., Fisher, J.B., Viovy, N., Jung, M., Myneni, R., 2014. 1982-2010 trends of African Light Use Efficiency and inherent Water Use Efficiency: sensitivity to climate and atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Remote Sensing 6: 8923-8944.

[57] • Traore, A.K., Ciais, P., Vuichard, N., Poulter, B., Viovy, N., Guimberteau, M., Jung, M., Myneni, R., Fisher, J.B., 2014. Evaluation of the ORCHIDEE ecosystem model over Africa against 25 years of satellite-based water and carbon measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research–Biogeosciences 119(8): 1554-1575.

[56] • Girardin, C.A.J., Silva-Espejo, J.E., Doughty, C.E., Huaraca Huasco, W., Metcalfe, D.B., Durand-Baca, L., Marthews, T.R., Aragγo, L.E.O.C., Farfαn-Rios, W., Garcνa-Cabrera, K., Halladay, K., Fisher, J.B., Galiano-Cabrera, D.F., Huaraca-Quispe, L.P., Alzamora-Taype, I., Eguiluz-Mora, L., Salinas-Revilla, N., Silman, M.R., Meir, P., Malhi, Y., 2014. Productivity and carbon allocation in a tropical montane cloud forest in the Peruvian Andes. Plant Ecology & Diversity 7(1-2): 107-123.

[55] • Malhi, Y., Farfαn Amιzquita, F., Doughty, C.E., Silva-Espejo, J.E., Girardin, C.A.J., Metcalfe, D.B., Aragγo, L.E.O.C., Huaraca-Quispe, L.P., Alzamora-Taype, I., Eguiluz-Mora, L., Marthews, T.R., Halladay, K., Quesada, C.A., Robertson, A.L., Fisher, J.B., Zaragoza-Castells, J., Rojas-Villagra, C.M., Pelaez-Tapia, Y., Salinas, N., Meir, P., Phillips, O.L., 2014. The productivity, metabolism and carbon cycle of two lowland tropical forest plots in south-western Amazonia, Peru. Plant Ecology & Diversity 7(1-2): 85-105.

[54] • Fisher, J.B., Sikka, M., Sitch, S., Ciais, P., Poulter, B., Galbraith, D., Lee, J.-E., Huntingford, C., Viovy, N., Zeng, N., Ahlstrφm, A., Levy, P.E., Lomas, M.R., Frankenberg, C., Saatchi S., Malhi, Y., 2013. African tropical rainforest net CO2 fluxes in the 20th century. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 368(1625): doi:10.1098/rstb.2012.0376.

[53] • Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y., Torres, I.C., Metcalfe, D.B., van de Weg, M., Meir, P., Espejo, J.E.S., Huaraca, W., 2013. Nutrient limitation in rainforests and cloud forests along a 3000 m elevation gradient in the Peruvian Andes. Oecologia 172(3): 889-902.

[52] • Mallick, K., Jarvis, A., Fisher, J.B., Tu, K.P., Boegh, E., Niyogi, D., 2013. Latent heat flux and canopy conductance based on Penman-Monteith, Priestley-Taylor equation, and Bouchet’s complementary hypothesis. Journal of Hydrometeorology 14: 419-442.

[51] • Vinya, R., Malhi, Y., Fisher, J.B., Brown, N., Brodribb, T., Aragγo, L.E., 2013. Xylem cavitation vulnerability influences tree species’ habitat preference in miombo woodlands. Oecologia 173: 711-720.

[50] • Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., Michalak, A.M., Fisher, J.B., Kimball, J.S., Mueller, B., Zhang, K., Zhang, Y., 2013. Sensitivity of inferred climate model skill to choice of benchmarking datasets and evaluation decisions: a case study using CMIP5 evapotranspiration. Environmental Research Letters 8: 024028.

[49] • Mallick, K., Jarvis, A.J, Boegh, E., Fisher, J.B., Drewry, D.T., Tu, K.P., Hook, S.J., Hulley, G., Ardφ, J., Beringer, J., Arain, A., Niyogi, D., 2013. A Surface Temperature Initiated Closure (STIC) for surface energy balance fluxes. Remote Sensing of Environment 141: 243-261.

[48] • Lee, J.-H., Biging, G.S., Radke, J.D., Fisher, J.B., 2013. An improved topographic mapping technique from airborne LiDAR: application in a forested hillside. International Journal of Remote Sensing 34(20): 7293-7311.

[47] • Parazoo, N.C., Bowman, K. Frankenberg, C., Lee, J.-E., Fisher, J.B., Worden, J., Jones, D.B.A., Berry, J., Collatz, G.J., Baker, I.T., Jung, M., Liu, J., Osterman, G., O’Dell, C., Sparks, A., Butz, A., Guerlet, S., Yoshida, Y., Chen, H., Gerbig, C., 2013. Interpreting seasonal changes in the carbon balance of southern Amazonia using measurements of XCO2 and chlorophyll fluorescence from GOSAT. Geophysical Research Letters 40(11): 2829-2833.

[46] • Yao, Y., Liang, S., Cheng, J., Liu, S., Fisher, J.B., Jia, K., Zhao, X., Zhou, G., Zhou, G., Li, Y., Zhao, S., 2013. MODIS-driven estimation of terrestrial latent heat flux in China based on a modified Priestley-Taylor algorithm. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 171-172: 187-202.

[45] • McCabe, M., Miralles, D., Jimenez, C., Ershadi, A., Fisher, J., Mu, Z., Liang, M., Mueller, B., Sheffield, J., Seneviratne, S., Wood, E., 2013. Global-scale estimation of land surface heat fluxes from space: product assessment and intercomparison. In: Remote Sensing of Energy Fluxes and Soil Moisture Content, Ed. Petropoulos, G.P. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group. 538 pp.

[44] • Kelley, D., Prentice, I.C., Harrison, S., Wang, H., Simard, M., Fisher, J.B., Willis, K., 2013. A comprehensive benchmarking system for evaluating global vegetation models. Biogeosciences 10: 3313-3340.

[43] • Lee, J.-E., Frankenberg, C., van der Tol, C., Berry, J.A., Guanter, L., Boyce, C.K., Fisher, J.B., Morrow, E., Worden, J., Asefi, S., Badgley, G., Saatchi, S., 2013. Forest productivity and water stress in Amazonia: observations from GOSAT chlorophyll fluorescence. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B – Biological Sciences 280: 20130171.

[42] • Mueller, B., Hirschi, M., Jimenez, C., Ciais, P., Dirmeyer, P.A., Dolman, A.J., Fisher, J.B., Jung, M., Ludwig, F., Maignan, F., Miralles, D.G., McCabe, M.F., Reichstein, M., Sheffield, J., Wang, K., Wood, E.F., Zhang, Y., Seneviratne, S.I., 2013. Benchmark products for land evapotranspiration: LandFlux-EVAL multi-dataset synthesis. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 17: 3707-3720.

[41] • de Gonçalves, L.G.G., Borak, J.S., Costa, M.H., Saleska, S.R., Baker, I., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Muza, M.N., Poulter, B., Verbeeck, H., Fisher, J.B., Arain, M.A., Arkin, P., Cestaro, B.P., Christoffersen, B., Galbraith, D., Guan, X., van den Hurk, B.J.J.M., Ichii, K., Acicoli Imbuzeiro, H.M., Jain, A.K., Levine, N., Lu, C., Miguez-Macho, G., Roberti, D.R., Sahoo, A., Sakaguchi, K., Schaefer, K., Shi, M., Shuttleworth, W.J., Tian, H., Yang, Z.-L., Zeng, X., 2013. Overview of the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazτnia Data Model Intercomparison Project (LBA-DMIP). Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182-183: 111-127.

[40] • Magagi, R., Berg, A., Goοta, K., Belair, S., Jackson, T., Toth, B., Walker, A., McNairn, H., O’Neill, P., Moghaddam, M., Gherboudj, I., Colliander, A., Cosh, M., Belanger, J., Burgin, M., Fisher, J.B., et al., 2013. Canadian Experiment for Soil Moisture in 2010 (CanEX-SM10): Overview and preliminary results. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 51(1): 347-363.

[39] • von Randow, C., Zeri, M., Restrepo-Coupe, N., Muza, M.N., de Goncalves, L.G.G., Costa, M.H., Araujo, A.C., Manzi,A.O., da Rocha, H.R., Saleska, S.R., Arain, M.A., Baker, I.T., Cestaro, B.P., Christoffersen, B., Ciais, P., Fisher, J.B., Galbraith, D., Guan, X., van der Hurk, B., Ichii, K., Imbuzeiro, H., Jain, A., Levine, N., Miguez-Macho, G., Poulter, B., Roberti, D.R., Sahoo, A., Schaefer, K., Shi, M., Tian, H., Verbeeck, H., Yang, Z.-L., 2013. Inter-annual variability of carbon and water fluxes in Amazonian forest, Cerrado and pasture sites, as simulated by terrestrial biosphere models. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 182-183(15): 145-155.

[38] • Fisher, J.B., Badgley, G., Blyth, E., 2012. Global nutrient limitation in terrestrial vegetation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 26, GB3007, doi:10.1029/2011GB004252.

[37] • Moore, S., Fisher, J.B., 2012. Challenges and opportunities in GRACE-based groundwater storage assessment and management: an example from Yemen. Water Resources Management 26: 1425-1453.

[36] • Morel, A., Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y., 2012. Evaluating the potential to monitor aboveground biomass in forest and oil palm in Sabah, Malaysia, for 2000-2008 with Landsat ETM+ and ALOS-PALSAR. International Journal of Remote Sensing 33(11): 3614-3639.

[35] • Polhamus, A.M., Fisher, J.B., Tu, K.P., 2012. What controls the error structure in evapotranspiration models? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 169: 12-24.

[34] • Boroon, M.H.R., Fisher, J.B., 2012. Linking groundwater quality and quantity: an assessment of satellite-based groundwater storage anomalies from GRACE against ground measurements of contaminants in California. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B 1: 1271-1284.

[33] • Vinya, R., Malhi, Y., Brown, N., Fisher, J.B., 2012. Functional coordination between branch hydraulic properties and leaf functional traits in miombo woodlands: Implications for water stress management and species habitat preference. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum 34(5): 1701-1710.

[32] • Papale, D., Agarwal, D.A., Baldocchi, D., Cook, R.B., Fisher, J.B., van Ingen, C., 2012. Database maintenance, data sharing policy, collaboration. In: Aubinet, M., Vesala, T., Papale, D. (eds) Eddy Covariance: A Practical Guide to Measurement and Data Analysis, pp. 299-424, Springer, New York.

[31] • Lee, J.-E., Lintner, B.R., Neelin, J.D., Jiang, X., Boyce, C.K., Fisher, J.B., Perron, J.T., Kubar, T.L., Pierrehumbert, R.T., Lee, J., Worden, J., 2012. Reduction of tropical land region precipitation variability via transpiration. Geophysical Research Letters 39: L19704, doi:10.1029/2012gl053417.

[30] • Luo, Y.Q., Randerson, J., Abramowitz, G., Bacour, C., Blyth, E., Carvalhais, N., Ciais, P., Dalmonech, D., Fisher, J., Fisher, R., Friedlingstein, P., Hibbard, K., Hoffman, F., Huntzinger, D., Jones, C.D., Koven, C., Lawrence, D., Li, D.J., Mahecha, M., Niu, S.L., Norby, R., Piao, S.L., Qi, X., Peylin, P., Prentice, I.C., Riley, W., Reichstein, M., Schwalm, C., Wang, Y.-P., Xia, J.Y., Zaehle, S., Zhou, X.H., 2012. A framework of benchmarking land models. Biogeosciences 9: 3857-3874.

[29] • Marthews, T.R., Malhi, Y., Girardin, C.A.J., Silva Espejo, J.E., Aragγo, L.E.O.C., Metcalfe, D.B., Rapp, J.M., Mercado, L.M., Fisher, R.A., Galbraith, D.R., Fisher, J.B., Salinas-Revilla, N., Friend, A.D., Restrepo-Coupe, N., 2012. Simulating forest productivity along a neotropical elevational transect: temperature variation and carbon use efficiency. Global Change Biology 18(9): 2882-2898.

[28] • Fisher, J.B., Whittaker, R., Malhi, Y., 2011.  ET Come Home: Potential evapotranspiration in geographical ecology. Global Ecology and Biogeography 20: 1-18.

[27] • Frankenberg, C., Fisher, J.B., Worden, J., Badgley, G., Saatchi, S.S., Lee, J.-E., Toon, G.C., Butz, A., Jung, M., Kuze, A., Yokota, T., 2011. New global observations of the terrestrial carbon cycle from GOSAT: Patterns of plant fluorescence with gross primary productivity. Geophysical Research Letters 38: L17706, doi:10.1029/2011GL048738.

[26] • Attua, E.M., Fisher, J.B., 2011. Historical and future land cover change in a municipality of Ghana. Earth Interactions 15(9): 1-26.

[25] • Krishnamurthy, P.K., Fisher, J.B., Johnson, C., 2011. Mainstreaming local perceptions of hurricane risk into policymaking: A case study of community-based vulnerability GIS in Mexico. Global Environmental Change 21: 143-153.

[24] • Simard, M., Pinto, N., Fisher, J.B., Baccini, A., 2011. Mapping forest canopy height globally with spaceborne LiDAR. Journal of Geophysical Research 116: G04021, doi:10.1029/2011JG001708. (Research Spotlight in Eos)

[23] • Osti, M., Coad, L., Fisher, J.B., Bomhard, B., Hutton, J.M., 2011. Oil and gas development and the World Heritage network and wider protected area network in sub-Saharan Africa. Biodiversity & Conservation 20(9): 1863-1877.

[22] • Vinukollu, R.K., Wood, E.F., Ferguson, C.R., Fisher, J.B., 2011. Global estimates of evapotranspiration for climate studies using multi-sensor remote sensing data: Evaluation of three process-based approaches. Remote Sensing of Environment 115: 801-823.

[21] • Thomas, M.V., Malhi, Y., Fenn, K.M., Fisher, J.B., Morecroft, M.D., Lloyd, C.R., Taylor, M.E., McNeil, D.D., 2011. Carbon dioxide fluxes over an ancient broadleaved deciduous woodland in southern England. Biogeosciences 8: 1595-1613.

[20] • Zelazowski, P., Malhi, Y., Huntingford, C., Sitch, S., Fisher, J.B., 2011. Changes in the potential distribution of humid tropical forests on a warmer planet. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A – Mathematical, Physical & Engineering Sciences 369: 137-160.

[19] • Macdonald, E.A., Collins, M., Clayton, L.M., Malhi, Y., Fisher, J.B., Milner-Gulland, E.J., Macdonald, D.W., 2011. Wildlife Conservation and Reduced Emissions from Deforestation in a case study of Nantu Wildlife Reserve, Sulawesi: 1. The effectiveness of forest protection - many measures, one goal. Environmental Science & Policy 14(6): 697-708.

[18] • Mueller, B., Seneviratne, S.I., Jimιnez, C., Corti, T., Hirschi, M., Balsamo, G., Ciais, P., Dirmeyer, P., Fisher, J.B., Guo, Z., Jung, M., Maignan, F., McCabe, M.F., Reichle, R., Reichstein, M., Rodell, M., Sheffield, J., Teuling, A.J., Wang, K., Wood, E.F., Zhang, Y., 2011. Evaluation of global observations-based evapotranspiration datasets and IPCC AR4 simulations. Geophysical Research Letters 38: L06402, doi:10.1029/2010GL046230.

[17] • Jimιnez, C., Prigent, C., Mueller, B., Seneviratne, S.I., McCabe, M.F., Wood, E.F., Rossow, W.B., Balsamo, G., Betts, A.K., Dirmeyer, P.A., Fisher, J.B., Jung, M., Kanamitsu, M., Reichle, R.H., Reichstein, M., Rodell, M., Sheffield, J., Tu, K., Wang, K., 2011. Global intercomparison of 12 land surface heat flux estimates. Journal of Geophysical Research 116: D02102, doi:10.1029/2010JD014545.

[16] • Fisher, J.B., Sitch, S., Malhi, Y., Fisher, R.A., Huntingford, C., Tan, S.-Y., 2010. Carbon cost of plant nitrogen acquisition: A mechanistic, globally-applicable model of plant nitrogen uptake, retranslocation and fixation. Global Biogeochemical Cycles 24: GB1014, doi:10.1029/2009GB003621.

[15] • Fisher, J.B., Fortmann, L.P., 2010. Governing the data commons: Policy, practice, and the advancement of science. Information & Management 47: 237-245.

[14] • Gibbon, A., Silman, M.R., Malhi, Y., Fisher, J.B., Meir, P., Zimmermann, M., Dargie, G.C., Farfan, W., Cabrera, K.G., 2010. Ecosystem carbon storage across the grassland-forest transition in the high Andes of Manu National Park, Peru. Ecosystems 13: 1097-1111.

[13] • Phillips, O.L., van der Heijden, G., Lσpez-Gonzαlez, G., Aragγo, L.E.O.C., Lewis, S.L., Lloyd, J.J., Malhi, Y., Monteaugudo, A., Almeida, S., Dαvila, E.A., Amaral, I., Andelman, S., Andrade, A., Arroyo, L., Aymard, G., Baker, T.R., Blanc, L., Bonal, D., de Oliveira, A.C.A., Chao, K.-J., Cardozo, N.D., da Costa, L., Feldpausch, T.R., Fisher, J.B., et al., 2010. Drought-mortality relationships for tropical forests. New Phytologist 187: 631-646.

[12] • Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y., de Araϊjo, A.C., Bonal, D., Gamo, M., Goulden, M.L., Hirano, T., Huete, A.R., Kondo, H., Kumagai, T., Loescher, H., Miller, S., Nobre, A.D., Nouvellon, Y., Oberbauer, S.F., Panuthai, S., von Randow, C., da Rocha, H.R., Roupsard, O., Saleska, S., Tanaka, K., Tanaka, N., Tu, K.P., 2009.  The land-atmosphere water flux in the tropics. Global Change Biology 15: 2694-2714. (Cover article).

[11] • Fisher, J.B., 2009. Canopy nitrogen and albedo from remote sensing: What exactly are we seeing? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA 106(7): E16.

[10] • Fisher, J.B., 2009. Book review of “Quantifying and Understanding Plant Nitrogen Uptake for Systems Modeling” edited by Ma et al. Experimental Agriculture 45(3): 377.

[9] • Phillips, O.L., Aragγo, L., Lewis, S.L., Fisher, J.B., et al., 2009.  Drought sensitivity of the Amazon rainforest. Science 323(5919): 1344-1347.

[8] • Ostle, N.J., Smith, P., Fisher, R., Woodward, F.I., Fisher, J.B., Smith, J.U., Galbraith, D., Levy, P., Meir, P., McNamara, N.P., Bardgett, R.D., 2009. Integrating plant-soil interactions into global carbon models. Journal of Ecology 97: 851-863.

[7] • Fisher, J.B., Tu, K.P., Baldocchi, D.D., 2008. Global estimates of the land-atmosphere water flux based on monthly AVHRR and ISLSCP-II data, validated at 16 FLUXNET sites. Remote Sensing of Environment 112(3): 901-919.

[6] • Fisher, J.B., Nawaz, R., Fauzi, R., Nawaz, F., Sadek, E., Latif, Z., Blackett, M., 2008. Balancing water, religion and tourism on Redang Island, Malaysia. Environmental Research Letters 3(2): 1-6.

[5] • Fisher, J.B., Baldocchi, D.D., Misson, L., Dawson, T., Goldstein, A.H., 2007. What the towers don’t see at night: Nocturnal sap flow in trees and shrubs at two AmeriFlux sites in California. Tree Physiology 27(4): 597-610.

[4] • Fisher, J.B., Trulio, L.A., Biging, G., Chromczak, D., 2007. An analysis of spatial clustering and implications for wildlife management: A burrowing owl example. Environmental Management 39(3): 403-411.  (Cover article).

[3] • Dawson, T.E., Burgess, S.S.O., Tu, K.P., Oliveira, R.S., Santiago, L.S., Fisher, J.B., Simonin, K.S., Ambrose, A.R., 2007. Nighttime transpiration in woody plants from contrasting ecosystems. Tree Physiology 27(4): 561-575.

[2] • Fisher, J.B., Kelly, N.M., Romm, J., 2006. Scales of environmental justice: Combining GIS and spatial analysis for air toxics in West Oakland, California. Health & Place 12(4): 701-714.

[1] • Fisher, J.B., DeBiase, T.A., Qi, Y., Xu, M., Goldstein, A.H., 2005. Evapotranspiration models compared on a Sierra Nevada forest ecosystem. Environmental Modelling & Software 20(6): 783-796.



• Massey Marks, A., Fisher, J.B., Bhagwat, S.A., 2020. Do dragons prevent deforestation?: The Gambia’s sacred forests. In: The Routledge Handbook of Indigenous Environmental Knowledge. Thornton, T.F, Bhagwat, S.A., eds. Routledge.

• Lee, C.M., Fisher, J.B., Hook, S.J., 2020. Mapping vegetation health around the world. Eos 101: doi.org/10.1029/2020EO146736.

• Spater, M., Kim, S., Kucera, L., Fisher, J.B., Lee, C.M., French, A., 2017. Linking managed and natural ecosystems through evapotranspiration and NASA’s upcoming ECOSTRESS mission. Earthzine.

• Fisher, J.B., Sweeney, S., Brzostek, E.R., Evans, T.P., Johnson, D.J., Myers, J.A., Bourg, N.A., Wolf, A.T., Howe, R.W., Phillips, R.P., 2016. What kind of fungus are you? Environmental Science Journal for Teens.

• Fisher, J.B., Middleton, E., Melton, F., Anderson, M., Hook, S., Hain, C., Allen, R., McCabe, M., Lagouarde, J.-P., Tu, K., Baldocchi, D., Townsend, P.A., Kilic, A., Perret, J., Miralles, D., Waliser, D., French, A., Famiglietti, J., Schimel, D., 2016. Evapotranspiration: A critical variable linking ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources. White Paper to Decadal Survey. US National Academy of Sciences.

• Fisher, J.B., Sikka, M., Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C., 2016. CMS: modeled net ecosystem exchange at 3-hourly time steps, 2004-2010. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. http://dx.doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1315

• Lee, C.M., Fisher, J.B., Hook, S.J., 2016. ECOSTRESS Science Team Meeting. The Earth Observer 28(2): 24.

• Fisher, J.B., Middleton, E., Melton, F., Anderson, M., Hain, C., Allen, R., McCabe, M., Lagouarde, J.-P., Tu, K., Baldocchi, D., Townsend, P., Perret, J., Miralles, D., Waliser, D., French, A., Wood, E., Famiglietti, J., Stephens, G., Schimel, D., Hook, S., 2015. Evapotranspiration: A critical variable linking ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources. White Paper to Decadal Survey. US National Academy of Sciences.

• Fisher, J.B., 2015. ECOSTRESS Science Management Plan. JPL Report D-94606, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 22pp, September 2015.

• Fisher, J.B. and SMAP Algorithm Development Team, 2015. SMAP Ancillary Data Report – Surface Temperature. JPL Report D-53064, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 18pp, March 2015.

• Lee, C.M., Fisher, J.B., Hook, S.J., 2015. ECOSTRESS Science Team Meeting. The Earth Observer 27(3): 28-29.

• Saatchi, S., Randerson, J., Kimball, J., Entekhabi, D., Moghaddam, M., Schimel, D., Fisher, J.B., Yueh, S., 2015. Ecosystem response to water stress: vulnerability of global carbon cycle to extreme climate. White Paper to Decadal Survey. US National Academy of Sciences.

• Turpie, K., Allen, D.W., Ackelson, S., Bell, T., Dierssen, H., Cavanaugh, K., Fisher, J.B., Goodman, J., Guild, L., Hochberg, E., Klemas, V.V., Lavender, S., Lee, C., Muller-Karger, F., Ortiz, J., Palacios, S., Thompson, D.R., Zimmerman, R., 2015. New need to understand changing coastal and inland aquatic ecosystem services. White Paper to Decadal Survey. US National Academy of Sciences.

• Melton, F., Allen, R., Morse, T., Kilic, A., Anderson, M., Bolten, J., Cestti, R., Dunsmoor, L., Erickson, T., Fisher, J.B., Hain, C., Harshadeep, N., Hobbins, M., Huntington, J., Hook, S., Kustas, W., Lee, C., Mendez-Costabel, M., Tracy, J., Verdin, J., Willardson, T., Wolff, S., Woodward, D., 2015. Evapotranspiration mapping for water security: recommendations and requirements. White Paper to Decadal Survey. US National Academy of Sciences.

• Thorpe, A., Frankenberg, C., Gerilowski, K., Thompson, D., Gao, B.-C., Roberts, D., Dennison, P., Hollstein, A., Hulley, G., Fisher, J.B., Realmuto, V., Schwandner, F., Kort, E., Wong, K.W., Islam, T., 2015. Mapping atmospheric constituents at high spatial resolution to understand their influence on Earth’s climate. White Paper to Decadal Survey. US National Academy of Sciences.

• Hall, F.G., Goetz, S.J., Elmore, A., Hutyra, L., Justice, C., Woodcock, C., Henebry, G., Hansen, M., Loveland, T., Masek, J., Hansen, A., Clark, M., Melton, F., Hurtt, G., Roberts, D., Hudak, A., Falkowski, M., Dubayah, R., Irons, J., Schimel, D., Davis, K., Sweeney, C., Margolis, H., Williams, C., Kawa, R., Bond-Lamberty, B., Miller, C., Wulder, M., Bounoua, L., Collatz, G., Fisher, J.B., Oda, T., Ranson, J., Hilker, T., Tueuhauf, R., Neuenschwander, A., Cook, B., Glenn, N., Schaaf, C., Nghiem, S., Hook, S., 2015. Terrestrial Ecology, Carbon cycle, Land Use / land cover, and Biodiversity (TECLUB) priority science questions and measurements. White Paper to Decadal Survey. US National Academy of Sciences.

• Fisher, J.B. and Andreadis, K.M., 2014. Drought: Roles of Precipitation, Evapotranspiration, and Soil Moisture. In: Wang, Y. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Natural Resources: Air. Taylor and Francis, New York, pp 1015-1017.

• Kasischke, E.S., Hayes, D.J., Billings, S., Boelman, N., Colt, S., Fisher, J.B., Goetz, S., Griffith, P., Grosse, G., Hall, F., Harriss, R., Karchut, J., Larson, E., Mack, M., McGuire, A.D., McLennan, D., Metsaranta, J., Miller, C., Rawslins, M., Striegl, R., Sturm, M., Sweeney, C., Varner, R., Wickland, D., Wullschleger, S., 2014. A Concise Experiment Plan for the Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment. ORNL DAAC, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA. https://doi.org/10.3334/ORNLDAAC/1617.

• Fisher, J.B., 2013. Land-atmosphere interactions: Evapotranspiration. In: Njoku, E. (Ed) Encyclopedia of Remote Sensing. Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, pp 1-5.

• Attua, E.M., Fisher, J.B., 2010. Land suitability assessment for pineapple production in the Akwapim South District, Ghana: a GIS approach. Ghana Journal of Geography 2: 47-83.

• Fisher, J.B., 2010. Early-career scientist (ECS) page interview. iLEAPS Newsletter 10: 40.

• Fisher, J.B., Zardin, E., Bocquet, F., Swann, A., Rόdiger, C., Kyrφ, E.-M., Gunthe, S.S., 2010. The new generation of ‘land-atmosphere exchange’ scientists. iLEAPS Newsletter 9: 47-49.

• Fisher, J.B., 2009. Evapotranspiration from tropical vegetation. iLEAPS Newsletter 7: 18.



• Fisher, J.B., 2021. ECOSTRESS. Joint CSA/ESA/JAXA/NASA ISS Increment 65 Science Symposium. Virtual (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Stavros, E.N., Pavlick, R.P., Hook, S.J., Eldering, A., Dubayah, R., Matsunaga, T., Serbin, S., Sousa, D., Schimel, D., 2020. The International Space Station as a Key Platform to Synergize Observations of Fundamental Ecosystem Properties. Ecological Society of America. Virtual. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G., Sea, M., Nelson, M., Pohl, J., Scott, F., Magnuson, M., 2020. NASA evapotranspiration data significantly improve operational water management for the State of New Mexico. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Goldsmith, G.R., Fisher, J.B., Oliveras, I., Malhi, Y., Doughty, C., 2020. Comparing and validating measures of water-use efficiency from NASA's ECOSTRESS mission. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Schwandner, F.M., Fisher, J.B., Deering, C.D., Lewicki, J.L., Pavlick, R., Harpel, C., Bogue, R., Matheou, G., Miller, C.E., Diaz, J.A., Pieri, D.C., de Moore, M.J., Duarte, E.A., Soper, F., Taylor, B.N., Chatterjee, S., 2020. Trees as sensors of pre-eruptive change. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Nelson, K., Fisher, J.B., Bonessi, J., Rodrνguez Sepϊlveda, N., Deering, C.D., Soper, F., Taylor, B.N., Pavlick R., Sousa, D., Bogue, R., Duarte, E.A., Carranza Varela, M., Gonzαlez Valle, W., Mesιn Montano, I., Schwandner, F.M., 2020. Tropical CO2 Fertilization using Volcanic CO2: Results from a Recent CO2 Mapping Field Campaign at Volcαn Rincσn de la Vieja in Costa Rica. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Byun, K., Fisher, J.B., Son, K., Missik, J.E.C., Chen, X., 2020. Distance to River Controls Riparian Ecosystem Water Use and Stress in a Semi-arid Watershed. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Nguyen, C., Fisher, J.B., Gagnι-Landmann, A.L., Braghiere, R.K., 2020. Improving Arctic-Boreal Ecosystem Processes in Earth System Models with NASA ABoVE Data. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Morancy, J., Galvan, F.R., Fisher, J.B., Cawse-Nicholson, K.A., Hulley, G.C., Lee, C.M., Rivera, G., Hook, S.J., 2020. A Review of Climate Events as seen by ECOSTRESS. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Worden, J., Shi, M., Fisher, J.B., 2020. Satellite Deuterium Observations Quantify Spatio-Temporal Variability of Amazon Water Balance. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Myint, S.W., Murugesan, S.B., Masara, I.K., Fisher, J.B., Zhu, Y., 2020. Wildfire Dynamics with ECOSTRESS, Sentinel, and MODIS: The Case of Australia’s Black Summer. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Javadian, M., Behrangi, A., Smith, W.K., Fisher, J.B., 2020. Global Trends in Evapotranspiration Dominated by Increases Across Cropland Regions: Insights Into Sustainability in Food Production. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Sousa, D., Thompson, D.R., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Pavlick, R., Fisher, J.B., 2020. Refocusing the Lens: A New Approach to Biodiversity Mapping from SBG-Like Data. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Cai, X., Yang, Z.-L., Chung, S., Liang, J., Fisher, J.B., Zhang, X., Barlage, M.J., Chen, F., 2020. Development and Evaluation of Nitrogen Cycling in the Noah-MP-CN Land Surface Model. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Hamberg, J., Murphy, S.D., Robinson, D.T., Fraser, R., Trant, A., James, P., Fisher, J.B., 2020. Evaluating the effects of plant biodiversity on surface temperature in forest restoration projects using UAV, Landsat, and ECOSTRESS data. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Gagnι-Landmann, A.L., St-Onge, J., Deck, K., Massoud, E.C., Bharucha, E., Huntzinger, D.N., Fisher, J.B., Messaddeq, Y., Schneider, T., 2020. Reducing Uncertainty in Future Projections of CO2 and Net Ecosystem Exchange. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Sun, W., Fang., Y., Luo, X., Shiga, Y., Zhang, Y., Andrews, A., Thorning, K.W., Fisher, J.B., Keenan, T.F., Michalak, A., 2020. Midwest US croplands determine model divergence in North American carbon fluxes. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Shi, M., Worden, J.R., Bailey, A., Noone, D., Risi, C., Fu, R., Worden, S.R., Herman, R.L., Payne, V., Pagano, T.S., Bowman, K.W., Bloom, A.A., Saatchi, S., Liu, J., Keller, M., Fisher, J.B., 2020. Variability of Amazon water balance determined by atmospheric isotopic water vapor measurements. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Melton, F., Huntington, J., Grimm, R., Herring, J. Hall, M., Rollison, D., Erickson, T., Allen, R., Anderson, M., Blankenau, P., Bromley, M., Daudert, B., Doherty, C., Dunkerly, C., Fisher, J.B., Friedrichs, M., Guzman, A., Hain, C., Halverson, G., Hansen, J., Harding, J., Johnson, L., Kang, Y., Kilic, A., Malloy, M., Minor, B., Morton, C., Ortega-Salazar, S., Ott, T., Revelle, P., Ruhoff, A., Schull, M., Senay, G., Volk, J., Wang, T., Yang, Y., 2020. OpenET: Filling a Critical Gap in Water Data for the Western U.S. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Rollison, D., Grimm, R., Melton, F., Huntington, J., Herring, J. Hall, M., Erickson, T., Allen, R., Anderson, M., Blankenau, P., Bromley, M., Daudert, B., Doherty, C., Dunkerly, C., Fisher, J.B., Friedrichs, M., Guzman, A., Hain, C., Halverson, G., Hansen, J., Harding, J., Johnson, L., Kang, Y., Kilic, A., Malloy, M., Minor, B., Morton, C., Ortega-Salazar, S., Ott, T., Revelle, P., Ruhoff, A., Schull, M., Senay, G., Volk, J., Wang, T., Yang, Y., 2020. OpenET: Enabling Science-Based Water Management through Open Data Services and User-Driven Design. American Geophysical Union, Virtual.

• Longo, M., Saatchi, S., Keller, M., Bowman, K., Ferraz, A., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Fisher, J.B., Pinagι, E.R., Moorcroft, P., Ometto, J., Morton, D., 2020. The impacts of Amazon forest degradation and fragmentation on energy, water, and carbon cycles. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Melton, F.S., Grimm, R., Huntington, J.L., Herring, J., Erickson, T., Hall, M., Anderson, M., Bastiaanssen, W., Daudert, B., Doherty, C., Fisher, J.B., Friedrichs, M., Guzman, A., Hain, C., Halverson, G.H., Harding, J., Hessels, T., Johnson, L., Morton, C., Ozdogan, M., Schull, M., Senay, G.B., Van Opstal, J., Yang, Y., 2020. OpenET: filling the biggest gap in water data for the Western United States. American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Lee, B., Purdy, A.J., Halverson, G.H., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Wang, A., Anderson, R.G., Aragon, B., Arain, M.A., Baldocchi, D.D., Baker, J.M., Barral, H., Bernacchi, C.J., Bernhofer, C., Biraud, S.C., Bohrer, G., Brunsell, N., Cappelaere, B., Castro-Contreras, S., Chun, J., Conrad, B.J., Cremonese, E., Demarty, J., Desai, A.R., De Ligne, A., Foltύnovα, L., Goulden, M.L., Griffis, T.J., Grόnwald, T., Johnson, M.S., Kang, M., Kelbe, D., Kowalska, N., Lim, J.-H., Maοnassara, I., McCabe, M.F., Missik, J.E.C., Mohanty, B.P., Moore, C.E., Morillas, L., Morrison, R., Munger, J.W., Posse, G., Richardson, A.D., Russell, E.S., Ryu, Y., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., Schmidt, M., Schwartz, E., Sharp, I., Šigut, L., Tang, Y., Hulley, G., Anderson, M., Hain, C., French, A., Wood, E., Hook, S., 2019. First evapotranspiration results from NASA’s ECOSTRESS mission. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Melton, F., Middleton, E., Hain, C., Anderson, M., Allen, R., McCabe, M.F., Hook, Baldocchi, D., Townsend, P.A., Kilic, A., Tu, K., Miralles, D.D., Perret, J., Lagouarde, J.-P., Waliser, D., Purdy, A.J., French, A., Schimel, D., Famiglietti, J.S., Stephens, G., Wood, E.F., 2019. The Future of Evapotranspiration: Global requirements for ecosystem functioning, carbon and climate feedbacks, agricultural management, and water resources. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G., Khanna, M., Pohl, J., Nelson, M., Magnuson, M., Scott, F., 2019. NASA evapotranspiration data significantly improve water management for the State of New Mexico. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Braghiere, R.K., Fisher, J.B., Shi, M., Yang, X., Sulman, B.N., Soudzilovskaia, N., Allen, K.E., Brzostek, E.R., Phillips, R., 2019. Considering carbon costs of plant phosphorus acquisition in Earth System Models. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Terrer, C., Jackson, R.B., Rosende, J., Hungate, B.A., van Groenigen, K.J., Fisher, J.B., Phillips, R., 2019. Terrestrial CO2 storage in plant biomass and soil: a negative relationship. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Galvan, F.R., Fisher, J.B., Pavlick, R., Phillips, R., 2019. Can mycorrhizal association be detected remotely with hyperspectral measurements? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Nguyen, C., Fisher, J.B., Gagnι-Landmann, A.L., 2019. The NASA ABoVE database: uncovering functional responses among the hundreds of in situ, airborne, and satellite datasets. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Cooley, S., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G., 2019. Water Use Efficiency from ECOSTRESS: first look. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Longo, M., Saatchi, S., Keller, M., Ferraz, A., Bowman, K.W., Fisher, J.B., Cawse-Nicholson, K.A., Morton, D.C., Ometto, J.P., Moorcroft, P.R., Shi, M., 2019. How does forest structure control temperature and water fluxes in the Amazon? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Hook, S.J., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Hulley, G.C., Johnson, W.R., Fisher, J.B., 2019. ECOSTRESS status and plans. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Hulley, G.C., Cawse-Nicholson, K. Hook, S.J., Fisher, J.B., Realmuto, V.J., Lee, C.M., Halverson, G., 2019. High spatial resolution thermal infrared measurements from ECOSTRESS in support of Surface Biology and Geology (SBG) targeted observable science and applications. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Aragon, B., Fisher, J.B., Houborg, R., Malbeteau, Y., McCabe, M., 2019. Toward ultra high-resolution plant water use mapping: synergizing ECOSTRESS with Planet CubeSats. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Khanna, M., Halverson, G., Purdy, A.J., Aragon, B., Fisher, J.B., 2019. An overview of NASA JPL’s remotely sensed evapotranspiration data. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Dohlen, M., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G.H., Collison, J., Huntington, J.L., 2019. Remotely sensed open water reservoir and lake evaporation. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Krishnamurthy, P.K., Fisher, J.B., Kareiva, P., 2019. Drought and food insecurity tipping points: can remote sensing be used for detection of tipping points? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Cawse-Nicholson, K., Braverman, A.J., Kang, E.L., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G.H., Li, M., 2019. Uncertainty quantification for ECOSTRESS evapotranspiration. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Shi, M., Worden, J., Noone, D., Liu, J., Bowman, K.W., Bloom, A.A., Wong, S., Fu, R., Fisher, J.B., 2019. Quantifying drought induced water cycle changes in the isotope-enabled Community Atmosphere Model. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Aragon, B., Fisher, J.B., Houborg, R., Malbeteau, Y., McCabe, M., 2019. Importance of retrieval frequency and spatial resolution in crop water use management. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Schwandner, F.M., Elston, J.S., Diaz, J.A., Stachura, M., Corrales, E., Fromm, J., Pierei, D.C., Fisher, J.B., Youmans, T.A., Miller, C.E., Pavlick, R., 2019. Above-canopy mapping of elevated CO2 graidents from volcanic gas seeps in a Costa Rican rainforest using fixed-wing sUAS. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Bogue, R., Schwandner, F.M., Fisher, J.B., Pavlick, R., Magney, T., Famiglietti, C.A., Cawse-Nicholson, K.A., Yadav, V., Linick, J.P., North, G., Duarte, E.A., 2019. Plant responses to volcanically elevated CO2 in two Costa Rican forests. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Stavros, E.N., Pavlick, R., Hook, S.J., Eldering, A., Dubayah, R., Matsunaga, T., Serbin, S., Schimel, D., 2019. The International Space Station as a Key Platform to Synergize Observations of Fundamental Ecosystem Properties. NASA Terrestrial Ecology Science Team Meeting. College Park, Maryland, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Schwandner, F.M., Asner, G.P., Norby, R., Schimel, D., Fisher, R.A., Holm, J.A., Diaz, J.A., Duarte, E.A., Lewicki, J.L., Deering, C.D., Pavlick, R., Miller, G.R., Seibt, U., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., Matheou, G., Frankenberg, C., Terrer, C., Cordero, R., de Moor, M.J., Bogue, R.R., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Famiglietti, C.A., Pieri, D.C., Miller, C.E., 2019. A Natural Long-Term CO2 Fertilization Experiment in the Tropics. NASA Terrestrial Ecology Science Team Meeting. College Park, Maryland, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., 2019. The Fate of Earth’s Ecosystems. DOE Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Richland, Washington, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Hook, S., Allen, R., Anderson, M., French, A., Hain, C., Hulley, G., Wood, E., 2019. ECOSTRESS. DOE Pacific Northwest National Laboratory. Richland, Washington, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Schwandner, F.M., Asner, G.P., Norby, R., Schimel, D., Fisher, R.A., Holm, J.A., Diaz, J.A., Duarte, E.A., Lewicki, J.L., Deering, C.D., Pavlick, R., Miller, G.R., Seibt, U., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., Matheou, G., Frankenberg, C., Terrer, C., Cordero, R., de Moor, M.J., Bogue, R.R., Cawse-Nicholson, K., Famiglietti, C.A., Pieri, D.C., Miller, C.E., 2019. A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica’s volcanoes. AGU Chapman Conference on Understanding Carbon Climate Feedbacks. La Jolla, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Huntzinger, D.N., Hayes, D.J., Schwalm, C.R., Schaefer, K., Stofferahn, E., 2019. Missing pieces to modeling the Arctic-Boreal puzzle. Ecological Society of America. Louisville, Kentucky, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., 2019. ECOSTRESS: NASA’s next generation mission to measure evapotranspiration from the International Space Station. US-IALE, Ft. Collins, Colorado, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., 2019. ECOSTRESS: NASA’s next generation mission to measure evapotranspiration from the International Space Station. NASA Earthdata Webinar Series. (Invited)

• Longo, M., Saatchi, S., Keller, M., Bowman, K., Fisher, J.B., Ferraz, A., Morton, D., Moorcroft, P., Xu, X., dos-Santos, M., Meyer, V., Vincent, G., Bonal, D., Brando, P., Derroire, G., Ometto, J., Burban, B., 2019. Degradation of Amazon forest affects energy, water, and carbon cycles: insights from an integrated remote-sensing and modeling analysis. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Antananarivo, Madagascar.

• Schwandner, F.M., Elston, J., Diaz, J.A., Stachura, M., Corrales, E., Fromm, J., Pieri, D., Fisher, J.B., Youmans, T., Miller, C.E., 2019. Above-canopy autonomous drone detection of elevated CO2 gradients from volcanic gas seeps in a tropical rainforest. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Singapore.

• Aragon, B., Houborg, R., Tu, K., Fisher, J.B., McCabe, M., 2019. Evaluating the use of thermal imagery in crop water use management. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Schwandner, F.M., Elston, J., Diaz, J.A., Stachura, M., Corrales, E., Fromm, J., Pieri, D., Fisher, J.B., Youmans, T., Miller, C.E., 2019. Above-canopy drone detection of elevated CO2 gradients from volcanic gas seeps in a Costa Rican rainforest. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Fisher, J.B., 2019. ECOSTRESS: NASA’s next generation mission to measure evapotranspiration from the International Space Station. Soil Science Society of America, San Diego, California, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Perakalapudi, N.V., Cusack, D.F., 2018. Tropical soil fertility increases leaf turnover, not greenness. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Purdy, A.J., Fisher, J.B., Kawata, J., Om, G., Reynolds, M., Ali, Z.M., Babikian, J., Roman, C., Sikka, M., 2018. Designing drought indicators. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Krishnamurthy, P.K., Fisher, J.B., Kareiva, P., 2018. Drought tipping points: can remote sensing provide improved early warning drought signals for food security? American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Halverson, G.H., Fisher, J.B., Magnuson, M., 2018. Statewide water management in the 21st century: NASA and the State of New Mexico. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C.R., Fisher, J.B., Fang, Y., Michalak, A., Schaefer, K.M., Wei, Y., 2018. Soil carbon response to climate warming – using functional benchmarks to evaluate model projections of soil carbon dynamics in a changing world. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Aragon, B., Houborg, R., Fisher, J.B., McCabe, M., Huang, D., 2018. Multi-temporal and spatial resolution water use retrievals over dryland irrigated fields. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Cooley, S., Williams, C.A., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G.H., Perret, J., 2018. Assessing regional drought impacts on vegetation and evapotranspiration: a case study in Guanacaste, Costa Rica. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Fang, Y., Michalak, A., Shiga, Y.P., Andrews, A.E., Thoning, K.W., Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C.R., Fisher, J.B., Schaefer, K.M., Wei, Y., Sikka, M., 2018. Atmospheric observations inform roles of climatic drivers in controlling NEE variations at seasonal and sub-seasonal scales. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Shiga, Y.P., Berry, J.A., Anderegg, L.D.L., Andrews, A.E., Badgley, G., Baier, B., Campbell, J.E., Fang, Y., Fisher, J.B., Huntzinger, D.N., Michalak, A., Montzka, S.A., Schaefer, K.M., Schwalm, C.R., Sweeney, C., Wei, Y., Whelan, M., 2018. Developing a regional-scale photosynthetic carbon flux estimation framework using atmospheric carbonyl sulfide measurements and a geostatistical inverse modeling approach. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Melton, F.S., Grimm, R., Huntington, J.L., Herring, J., Erickson, T., Hall, M., Anderson, M., Bastiaanssen, W., Daudert, B., Doherty, C., Fisher, J.B., Friedrichs, M., Guzman, A., Hain, C., Halverson, G.H., Harding, J., Hessels, T., Johnson, L., Morton, C., Ozdogan, M., Schull, M., Senay, G.B., Van Opstal, J., Yang, Y., 2018. OpenET: filling the biggest gap in water data for the Western United States. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Schwandner, F.M., Fisher, J.B., Asner, G.P., Schimel, D., Norby, R.J., Fankenberg, C., Fisher, R., Deering, C.D., Braverman, A.J., Seibt, U., Miller, G.R., Sαnchez-Azofeifa, A., Diaz, J.A., Duarte, E., de Moor, M., Corder, R.A., Lewicki, J.L., Matheou, G., Pieri, D., Miller, C., Pavlick, R.P., 2018. A Window Into the Future of the Earth, Hidden in the Jungles of Costa Rica’s Volcanoes. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

• Schwandner, F.M., Carn, S.A., Miller, C., Bogue, R.R., Pieri, D., Kuze, A., Kataoka, F., Duarte, E., Diaz, J.A., Fisher, J.B., Cawse-Nicholson, K.-A., 2018. Remote Sensing of Volcanic CO2: Satellites, Aircraft, sUAS, and Proxies. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

• Forbes, W., Mao, J., Jin, M., Kao, S.-C., Fu, W., Shi, X., Ricciuto, D., Thornton, P., Ribes, A., Wang, Y., Piao, S., Zhao, T., Schwalm, C., Hoffman, F., Fisher, J.B., Ito, A., Poulter, B., Fang, Y., Tian, H., Jain, A., 2018. Contribution of climatic and non-climatic forcings to US runoff changes for the period 1950-2010. Asia Oceania Geosciences Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Hook, S., Allen, R., Anderson, M., French, A., Hain, C., Hulley, G., Wood, E., 2018. ECOSTRESS. USDA Forest Service/Michigan Technological University Monitoring Forest Soil Moisture for a Changing World, Ann Arbor, MI, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C., Schaefer, K., Hayes, D., Stofferahn, E., ABoVE Modeling Working Group, 2018. Bridge to the Future: Moving into ABoVE Phase II’s Modeling Focus. NASA AboVE Science Team Meeting 4, Seattle, Washington, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Schwandner, F., Asner, G., Norby, R., Schimel, D., Fisher, R., Diaz, A. Duarte, E., Lewicki, J., Deering, C., Pavlick, R., Miller, G., Seibt, U., Sanchez-Azofeifa, A., Matheou, G., Frankenberg, C., Braverman, A., Cordero, R., de Moor, M., Miller, C., Pieri, D., 2017. A window into the future of the Earth, hidden in the jungles of Costa Rica’s volcanoes. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. (Invited)

• Purdy, A.J., Fisher, J.B., Goulden, M., Randerson, J.T., Famiglietti, J.S., 2017. Water vs. carbon: an evaluation of SMAP soil moisture and OCO-2 solar-induced fluorescence to characterize global plant stress. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Famiglietti, C., Fisher, J.B., Halverson, G.H., 2017. Global validation of MODIS atmospheric profile-derived near-surface air temperature and dew point estimates. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Huntzinger, D.N., Fisher, J.B., Schwalm, C.R., Hayes, D.J., Stofferahn, E., Hantson, W., Schaefer, K.M., Fang, Y., Michalak, A.M., Wei, Y., 2017. Soil carbon residence time in the Arctic – potential drivers of past and future. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Halverson, G.H., Fisher, J.B., Magnuson, M., Longwirth, J., 2017. Global operational remotely sensed evapotranspiration system for water resources management: case study for the State of New Mexico. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Qiu, B., Xue, Y., Fisher, J.B., Guo, W., 2017. New era of satellite chlorophyll fluorescence and soil moisture observations leads to advances in the predictive understanding of global terrestrial coupled carbon–water cycles. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Singh, A., Behrangi, A., Fisher, J.B., Reager, J.T., Gardner, A.S., 2017. Utilizing a suite of satellite missions to address poorly constrained hydrological fluxes. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Shi, M., Liu, J., Wong, S., Worden, J.R., Fisher, J.B., Frankenberg, C., 2017. Legacy effect of Amazonian drought delays the season transition from dry to wet. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Aragon, B., Houborg, R., Tu, K.P., Fisher, J.B., McCabe, M., 2017. Evaporation using Planet cubesats and the PT-JPL model: a precision agriculture application. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Behrangi, A., Reager, J.T., Gardner, A.S., Fisher, J.B., 2017. Constraining precipitation amount and distribution over cold regions using GRACE. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Wong, A., Jin, Y., He, R., Hulley, G., Fisher, J.B., Lee, C.M., Rivera, G., Hook, S.J., Medellin-Azuara, J., Kent, E.R., Paw U, K.T., Gao, F., Lund, J.R., 2017. Mapping evapotranspiration in the Sacramento San Joaquin Delta using simulated ECOSTRESS thermal data: validation and inter-comparison. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Talsma, C., Good, S.G., Jimenez, C., Martens, B., Fisher, J.B., 2017. Evaluation of evapotranspiration partitioning in remote sensing models. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Goetz, S.J., Rogers, B.M., Mack, M.C., Goulden, M., Pastick, N.J., Berner, L.T., Fisher, J.B., 2017. Changes in Arctic and Boreal ecosystems of North America: integrating recent results from the field, remote sensing and ecosystem models. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Magney, T.S., Frankenberg, C. Grossman, K., Koehler, P., North, G., Porcar-Castell, A., Stutz, J., Fisher, J.B., 2017. Drivers and variability of the Chl fluorescence emission spectrum from the leaf through the canopy. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Huang, K., Xia, J., Wang, Y., Ahlstrφm, A., Schwalm, C., Huntzinger, D.N., Chen, J., Cook, R.B., Fang, Y., Fisher, J.B., Jacobson, A.R., Michalak, A. Schaefer, K.M., Wei, Y., Yan, L., Luo, Y., 2017. Enhanced vegetation growth peak and its key mechanisms. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Cui, E., Xia, J., Huang, K., Ito, A., Arain, M.A., Jain, A.K., Poulter, B., Peng, C., Hayes, D.J., Ricciuto, D.M., Huntzinger, D.N., Tian, H., Mao, J., Fisher, J.B., Schaefer, K.M., Huang, M., Peng, S., Wang, W., 2017. Uncertainty source of modeled ecosystem productivity in East Asian monsoon region: a traceability analysis. American Geophysical Union, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Hulley, G., Hook, S., Fisher, J.B., Lee, C., 2017. ECOSTRESS: A NASA Earth-Ventures Instrument for Studying Links between the Water Cycle and Plant Health Over the Diurnal Cycle. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS).

• Wolf, S., Keenan, T.F, Fisher, J.B., Baldocchi, D.D., Desai, A.R., Richardson, A.D., Scott, R.L., Law, B.E., Litvak, M.E., Brunsell, N.A., Peters, W., van der Laan-Luijkx, I.T., 2017. Carbon-water interactions during warm spring and summer drought. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Schwalm, C.R., Anderegg, W.R.L., Michalak, A.M., Fisher, J.B., Biondi, F., Koch, G., Litvak, M., Ogle, K., Shaw, J.D., Wolf, A., Huntzinger, D.N., Schaefer, K., Cook, R., Wei, Y., Fang, Y., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Jain, A., Tian, H., 2017. What drives drought recovery?: A global perspective. Ecological Society of America, Portland, Oregon, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Stavros, E.N., Pavlick, R., Hook, S.J., Eldering, A., Dubayah, R., Schimel, D., 2016. The International Space Station as a Key Platform to Synergize Observations of Fundamental Ecosystem Properties. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA. (Invited)

• Purdy, A.J., Fisher, J.B., Goulden, M., Famiglietti, J.S., 2016. SMAP Soil Moisture Data to Improve Remotely Sensed Global Estimates of Evapotranspiration. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Stofferahn, E., Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D.J., Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C., 2016. How well does your model capture the terrestrial ecosystem dynamics of the Arctic-Boreal Region? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Vergopolan, N., Fisher, J.B., 2016. The impact of deforestation on the hydrological cycle in Amazonia as observed from remote sensing. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Halverson, G.H., Fisher, J.B., Jewell, L.A., Moore, G., Verma, M., McDonald, T., Kim, S., Muniz, A., 2016. Near Real-Time Monitoring of Global Evapotranspiration and its Application to Water Resource Management. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Phillips, R., Brzostek, E.R., Fisher, J.B., Sulman, B.N., Midgley, M., Craig, M., Keller, A.B., 2016. A trait-based framework for understanding how and why litter decay and resource stoichiometry promote biogeochemical syndromes in arbuscular- and ectomycorrhizal-dominated forests. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA. (Invited)

• Magney, T.S., Frankenberg, C., Fisher, J.B., Sun, Y., North, G., Davis, T.S., 2016. Spectral dependence of SIF: assessing the relationships among photosynthesis, active, and passive fluorescence at the leaf-scale. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Michalak, A.M., Bruhwiler, L., Birdsey, R., Fisher, J.B., Houghton, R.A., Huntzinger, D.N., Miller, J.B., 2016. SOCCR2: North America within the context of the global carbon cycle. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Poulter, B., Frank, D.C., Piao, S., Ciais, P., Fisher, J.B., 2016. Reconciling temporal trends in water-use efficiency from tree rings to continents. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., 2016. PT-JPL ET: ecophysiological constraints downscale Priestley-Taylor potential to actual evapotranspiration. Evapotranspiration Remote Sensing Workshop. Davis, California, USA.

• Hayes, D.J., Fisher, J.B., Stofferahn, E.J., Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., McGuire, A.D., 2016. A model-data integration framework for NASA-ABoVE: the role of remote sensing in process-based model representation of Arctic ecosystem dynamics. 14th International Circumpolar Remote Sensing Symposium. Homer, Alaska, USA.

• Stofferahn, E.J., Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D.J., Huntzinger, D.N., Schwalm, C.R., 2016. The model-data integration framework for NASA’s Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE). 2016 International Land Model Benchmarking (ILaMB) Workshop. Washington, DC.

• Thomas, R.T., Prentice, I.C., Graven, H., Fisher, J.B., Huang, M., Huntzinger, D., Ito, A., Jacobson, A., Jain, A., Mao, J., Michalak, A., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D.M., Shi, X., Schwalm, C., Tian, H., Zeng, N., 2016. CO2 and greening observations indicate increasing light use efficiency in northern terrestrial ecosystems. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., Michalak, A.M., Fang, Y., Schaefer, K., Jacobson, A.R., Fisher, J.B., Cook, R.B., Wei Y., 2016. Multi-scale Synthesis & Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project: From Cohort to Insight. 2016 International Land Model Benchmarking (ILaMB) Workshop. Washington, DC.

• Fisher, J.B., Hook, S., Allen, R., Anderson, M., French, A., Hain, C., Hulley, G., Wood, E., 2015. ECOSTRESS: NASA’s next-generation mission to measure evapotranspiration from the International Space Station. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA. (Invited)

• Hook, S., Fisher, J.B., Hulley, G., Anderson, M., French, A., Hain, C., Allen, R., 2015. HyspIRI and ECOSTRESS. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Purdy, A., Fisher, J.B., Famiglietti, J., 2015. Ground heat flux estimation: what’s the best approach? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Shi, M., Fisher, J.B., Brzostek, E., Phillips, R., 2015. Mycorrhizal controls on nitrogen uptake drive carbon cycling at the global scale. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Phillips, R., Brzostek, E., Fisher, J.B., 2015. A new conceptual framework for unifying the heterogeneity of plant-microbe interactions in forests by linking belowground measurements with large-scale modeling and remote sensing. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Qiu, B., Xue, Y., Fisher, J.B., Guo, W., 2015. Wilting point is the key link between the water and carbon cycles in a remote sensing-constrained global terrestrial biosphere model. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fang, K., Shen, C., Fisher, J.B., Niu, J., 2015. GRACE-assisted Budyko hypothesis for improved estimates of long-term water partitioning. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Stampoulis, D., Andreadis, K., Granger, S., Fisher, J.B., Turk, F., Behrangi, A., Das, N., Ines, A., 2015. Assessing hydro-ecological vulnerability from space. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Kolus, H., Huntzinger, D., Schwalm, C., Fisher, J.B., Cook, R., Fang, Y., Jacobson, A., Michalak, A., Schaefer, K., Wei, Y., 2015. Assessing model treatment of drought legacy effects in the Amazon. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Mao, J., Fu, W., Shi, X., Ricciuto, D., Fisher, J.B., Dickinson, R., Wei, Y., Shem, W., Piao, S., Wang, K., Schwalm, C., Tian, H., Mu, M., Arain, M.A., Ciais, P., Cook, R., Dai, Y.J., Hayes, D., Hoffman, F., Huang, M., Huang, S., Huntzinger, D., Ito, A., Jain, A., King, A., Lei, H., Lu, C., Michalak, A., Parazoo, N., Peng, C., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Schaefer, K., Jafarov, E., Thornton, P., Wang, W., Zeng, N., Zeng, Z., Zhao, F., Zhu, Q., Zhu, Z., 2015. Disentangling climatic and anthropogenic controls on global terrestrial evapotranspiration trends. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Huntzinger, D., Michalak, A., Schwalm, C., Cias, P., Schaefer, K., King, A., Wei, Y., Cook, R., Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Ito, A., Jain, A., Lei, H., Lu, C., Maignan, F., Mao, J., Parazoo, N., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D., Shi, X., Tian, H., Wang, W., Zeng, N., Zhao, F., 2015. Nitrogen dynamics are a key factor in explaining global land carbon sink. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Schwalm, C., Anderegg, W., Biondi, F., Koch, G., Litvak, M., Shaw, J., Wolf, A., Huntzinger, D., Michalak, A., Schaefer, K., Fisher, J.B., Cook, R., Wei, Y., Fang, Y., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Jain, A., Tian, H., 2015. Global patterns of drought recovery. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Hook, S., Allen, R., Anderson, M., French, A., Hain, C., Hulley, G., Wood, E., 2015. The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS). 2015 International Workshop on Evapotranspiration Mapping for Water Security, The World Bank, Washington, DC, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y., Torres, I.C., Metcalfe, D.B., van de Weg, M., Meir, P., Espejo, J.E.S., Huaraca, W., 2015. What limits productivity in the Peruvian Andes? An investigation into nutrient dynamics on a 3000-m elevation gradient. Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation, Honolulu, HI, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Phillips, R.P., Evans, T., Brzostek, E.R., Shi, M., Sweeney, S., 2015. Root to Globe: Nutrient Cycle Impacts on Forest Ecosystem Carbon Cycling. Department of Energy Environmental System Science Principal Investigator Meeting, Potomac, MD, USA. (Invited)

• Brzostek, E.R., Fisher, J.B., Phillips. R.P., 2015. Confronting models with measurements: an optimal allocation model accurately predicts empirical measurements of the rhizosphere marketplace for nitrogen and phosphorus. Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD, USA.

• Hook, S., Hulley, G., Johnson, W.R., Fisher, J.B., 2015. HyspIRI, ECOSTRESS, and HyTES: latest results. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Milan, Italy.

• Wolf, S., Keenan, T., Fisher, J.B., Baldocchi, D., 2015. Warm spring reduced impact of summer drought on carbon cycling. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Michel, D., Miralles, D., Jimenez, C., Ershadi, A., McCabe, M., Hirschi, M., Seneviratne, S., Jung, M., Wood, E., Su, B., Timmermans, J., Chen, X., Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Fernandez, D., 2015. Tower-scale performance of four observation-based evapotranspiration algorithms within the WACMOS-ET project. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Miralles, D., Jimenez, C., Ershadi, A., McCabe, M., Michel, D., Hirschi, M., Seneviratne, S., Jung, M., Wood, E., Su, B., Timmermans, J., Chen, X., Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Fernandez, D., 2015. Evaluation of observation-driven evaporation algorithms: results of the WACMOS-ET project. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Fisher, J.B., Sweeney, S., Brzostek, E.R., Evans, T.P., Johnson, D.J., Bourg, N.A., Phillips. R.P. 2014. Remote sensing of mycorrhizae? Detection of mycorrhizal association from canopy spectral properties. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Hook, S., Allen, R., Anderson, M., French, A., Hain, C., Hulley, G., Wood, E., 2014. The ECOsystem Spaceborne Thermal Radiometer Experiment on Space Station (ECOSTRESS): science motivation. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Verma, M., Fisher, J.B., Mallick, K., Ryu, Y., Tu, K., Kobayashi, H., Guillaume, A., Moore, G., Ramakrishnan, L., Hendrix, V., 2014. Evaluating ET and its components from the CMIP5 models with new, global remote sensing-based estimates. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Shi, M., Fisher, J.B., Brzostek, E., Phillips, R., 2014. From roots to globe: how does the terrestrial nitrogen cycle alter the global carbon cycle? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Schimel, D., Fisher, J.B., Pavlick, R., Saatchi, S., Asner, G., Frankenberg, C., Townsend, P., 2014. Filling gaps in global data sets: the role of new vegetation remote sensing data products. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Goldsmith, G., Fisher, J.B., McDonnell, J., Malhi, Y., 2014. The pools, fluxes and residence time of water across the Amazon basin. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Wolf, S., Keenan, T., Fisher, J.B., Baldocchi, D., 2014. Warm spring reduced impact of summer drought on carbon cycling. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Cai, X., Yang, Z.-L., Fisher, J.B., 2014. Incorporating the role of nitrogen in the Noah-MP land surface model for climate and environmental studies. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Behrnagi, A., Andreadis, K., Fisher, J.B., Turk, F., Painter, T., Granger, S., Das, N., Stephens, G., 2014. Hydrologic assessment of remotely sensed high resolution precipitation products over cold-mountainous region, and analysis of the GPM impact. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Schimel, D., Sander, S., Miller, C., Duren, R., Fisher, J.B., Liu, J., Stephens, B., 2014. Requirements analysis for remote sensing of carbon-climate feedbacks. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Stampoulis, D., Andreadis, K., Granger, S., Fisher, J.B., Behrangi, A., Das, N., Turk, J., 2014. Quantifying the resilience of vegetation and soil moisture during dry spells using satellite remote sensing. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Swetish, J., Huntzinger, D., Schwalm, C., Fisher, J.B., Liu, J., Michalak, A., Bowman, K., 2014. Reducing uncertainty in terrestrial biosphere models with satellite observations of atmospheric CO2: comparing MsTMIP with GOSAT. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Jeong, S.-J., Schimel, D., Frankenberg, C., Drewry, D., Fisher, J.B., Verma, M., Berry, J., Lee, J.-E., Joiner, J., Guanter, L., 2014. Seasonal decoupling between vegetation greenness and function over northern high latitude forests. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Guillevic, P., Hulley, G., Hook, S., Oliospo, A., Sanchez, J.M., Drewry, D., Running, S., Fisher, J.B., 2014. Evapotranspiration from airborne simulators as a proxy dataset for NASA’s ECOSTRESS mission: a new thermal infrared instrument on the International Space Station. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Oechel, W., Moreaux, V., Kalhori, A., Murphy, P., Wilkman, E., Sturtevant, C., Zhuang, Q., Miller, C., Dinardo, S., Fisher, J.B., Gioli, B., Zona, D., 2014. Heterogeneity of CH4 and net CO2 fluxes using nested chamber, tower, aircraft, remote sensing, and modeling approaches in arctic Alaska for regional flux estimation. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Huntzinger, D., Schwalm, C., Michalak, A., Wei, Y., Cook, R., Schaefer, K., Jacobson, A., Arain, A., Ciais, P., Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Huang, S., Ito, A., Jain, A., Lei, H., Lu, C., Maignan, F., Mao, J., Parazoo, N., Peng, S., Peng, C., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D., Shi, X., Tian, H., Zeng, N., Zhao, F., Zhu, Q., Wang, W.., 2014. Trends in the global net land sink and their sensitivity to environmental forcing factors: results from the Multi-scale synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP). American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fang, Y., Michalak, A. Schwalm, C., Huntzinger, D., Wei, Y., Cook, R., Schaefer, K., Jacobson, A., Ciais, P., Fisher, J.B., Hayes, D., Huang, M., Ito, A., Jain, A., Lei, H., Lu, C., Maignan, F., Mao, J., Parazoo, N., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D., Shi, X., Tian, H., Zeng, N., Zhao, F., Wang, W., 2014. Can terrestrial biosphere models capture the response of atmospheric CO2 growth rate to ENSO? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Famiglietti, J., Thomas, B., Reager, J., Castle, S., David, C., Thomas, A., Andreadis, K., Argus, D., Behrangi, A., Farr, T., Fisher, J.B., Landerer, F., Lo, M.-H., Molotch, N., Painter, T., Rodell, M., Schimel, D., Swenson, S., Watkins, M., 2014. Satellite observations of the epic California drought. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Hayes, D., Chen, G., Mao, J., Birdsey, R., Pan, Y., Huntzinger, D., Schwalm, C., Michalak, A., Wei, Y., Cook, R., Schaefer, K., Jacobson, A., Arain, A., Cias, P., Fisher, J.B., Huang, M., Huang, S., Jain, A., Lei, H., Lu, C., Maignan, F., Parazoo, N., Peng, C., Peng, S., Poulter, B., Ricciuto, D., Shi, X., Tian, H., Zeng, N., Zhao, F., 2014. Model and inventory perspectives on the role of forests in the global carbon cycle: results from the Multi-scale synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project (MsTMIP). American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Parazoo, N.C., Bowman, K., Fisher, J.B., Frankenberg, C., Jones, D.B.A., Cescatti, A., Pιrez-Priego, Σ, Wohlfahrt, G., Montagnani, L., 2014. Optimal estimates of terrestrial GPP from fluorescence and DGVMs. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Jimenez, C., Miralles, D., Martins, J., Pires, A., Trigo, I., Kharbouche, S., Muller, J.-P., Disney, M., Kaminski, T., Bossveck, M., McCabe, M., Ershadi, A., Hirschi, M., Michel, D., Sonia, S., Schneider, P., Prata, F., Jung, M., Reichstein, M., Fisher, J., Mu, Q., Su, B., Timmermans, J., Chen, X., Catherine, P., Aires, F., Fernandez, D., 2014. The ESA WACMOS-ET project: advancing in the production of evapotranspiration from satellite observations. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Wolf, S., Baldocchi, D., Fisher, J.B., Keenan, T.F., 2014. Large-scale reductions in gross primary productivity and evapotranspiration caused by the 2012 US drought. American Meteorological Society, Portland, Oregon, USA.

• Miller, C., Sander, S., Eldering, A., Schimel, D., Fisher, J.B., Lee, M., Duren, M., Michalak, A., Hoffman, M., Orphal, J., Butz, A., 2013. Observing the carbon cycle from geostationary orbit. GEO-Carbon. Geneva, Switzerland.

• Fisher, J.B., Sikka, M., Sitch, S., Ciais, P., Poulter, B., Galbraith, D., Lee, J.-E., Huntingford, C., Viovy, N., Zeng, N., Ahlstrφm, A., Levy, P.E., Lomas, M.R., Frankenberg, C., Saatchi S., Malhi, Y., 2013. African tropical rainforest net CO2 fluxes in the 20th century: uncertainty amplified from increasing atmospheric CO2. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Schimel, D., Fisher, J.B., Stephens, B., Saatchi, S., 2013. Observational constraints on the CO2 and climate sensitivity of the terrestrial biosphere. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Brzostek, E.R., Fisher, J.B., Shi, M., Phillips. R.P., 2013. Mycorrhizal fungi and global land surface models? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Shi, M., Fisher, J.B., Brzostek, E.R., Cai, X., Phillips. R.P., 2013. Global carbon cycle impact from improved plant nitrogen cycle in CLM. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Sikka, M., Fisher, J.B., Schwalm, C.R., Liu, J., Bowman, K., Huntzinger, D.N., 2013. Integration of multiple land surface models into NASA's Carbon Monitoring System. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Wolf, S., Baldocchi, D.D., Fisher, J.B., Keenan, T.F., 2013. Impact of the 2012 US drought on ecosystem carbon and water fluxes. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Cai, X., Yang, Z.-L., Fisher, J.B., Shi, M., 2013. Integrating nitrogen dynamics into the Noah-MP land surface model for environmental prediction. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., Fisher, J.B., Liu, J., Bowman, K.W., Block, G., Sikka, M., 2013. A case study of reliability ensemble averaging for terrestrial biosphere simulators. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Andreadis, K., Behrangi, A., Das, N., Fisher, J.B., Granger, S., Landerer, F., Painter, T., Turk, J., 2013. Assimilating remote sensing observations across the terrestrial water cycle in a drought forecasting system. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Parazoo, N., Bowman, K., Frankenberg, C., Sitch, S., Fisher, J.B., Jones, D., 2013. Evaluation of terrestrial primary production using biosphere models and space-based measurements of fluorescence. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Swetish, J.B., Huntzinger, D.N., Michalak, A.M., Schwalm, C., Fisher, J.B., Liu, J., MsTMIP Core-Team, MsTMIP Participants, 2013. Evaluation of the consistency of MsTMIP model estimates with atmospheric CO2 observations from GOSAT to provide an additional benchmark of terrestrial biosphere model performance. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Deng, F., Jones, D., Henze, D., Bousserez, N., Bowman, K., Fisher, J., Nassar, R., 2013. Estimating regional sources and sinks of CO2 using GOSAT XCO2. 9th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space (IWGGMS). Yokohama, Japan.

• Parazoo, N., Bowman, K., Frankenberg, C., Lee, J.-E., Fisher, J.B., Worden, J., Jones, D., Berry, J., Collatz, J., Baker, I., Liu, J., Osterman, G., O’Dell, C., Sparks, A., Butz, A., Guerlet, S., Yoshida, Y., 2013. Complementary constraints on seasonal carbon exchange in southern Amazonia using GOSAT XCO2 and chlorophyll fluorescence. 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference. Beijing, China.

• Fisher, J.B., 2013. Remote sensing of evapotranspiration. Colorado River Basin States Technical Committee Meeting. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., 2013. The Regional Hydrological Extremes Assessment System (RHEAS). Western States Water Council Meeting. San Diego, USA.

• Berry, J.A., Frankenberg, C., Wennberg, P., Baker, I., Bowman, K.P., Castro-Contreas, S., Cendrero-Mateo, M.P., Damm, A., Drewry, D., Ehlmann, B., Fisher, J.B., Flexas, J., Gamon, J., Genty, B., Guanter, L., Hilker, T., Joiner, J., Jung, M., Kuai, E., Lee, J.-E., Liu, J., Michalak, A.M., Miller, C., O’Dell, C., Parazoo, N., Porcar-Castell, A., Schwalm, C.R., van der Tol, C., Wunch, D., 2013. New methods for measurements of photosynthesis from space. 2013 NASA Terrestrial Ecology Science Team Meeting. La Jolla, California, USA.

• Bowman, K.W., Liu, J., Lee, M., Menemenlis, D., Fisher, J.B., Collatz, G.J., Brix, H., Hill, C., Dutkiewicz, S., Bousserez, N., Henze, D., 2013. Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project. 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Beijing, China.

• Deng, F., Jones, D.B.A., Henze, D.K., Bousserez, N., Bowman, K.W., Fisher, J.B., Kort, E., Wofsy, S., Nassar, R., 2013. Joint inverse modeling of surface CO2 fluxes using satellite and surface observations of CO2 mixing ratio. 9th International Carbon Dioxide Conference, Beijing, China.

• Jimenez, C., Prigent, C., Miralles, D., Trigo, I., Muller, J.-P., Disney, M., McCabe, M., Ershadi, A., Mueller, B., Hirschi, M., Seneviratne, S., Schneider, P., Prata, F., Jung, M., Reichstein, M., Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Su, B., Timmermans, J., Aboulai, M., Chen, X., Aires, F., Fernandez, D., 2013. The ESA WACMOS-ET Project: Advancing in the production of evapotranspiration from satellite observations. EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Converence & 19th American Meteorological Society AMS Satellite Meteorology, Oceanography, and Climatology Conference, Vienna, Austria; ESA Living Planet Symposium, Edinburgh, UK.

• Andreadis, K., Behrangi, A., Das, N., Fisher, J.B., Granger, S., Landerer, F., Painter, T., Turk, J., 2013. RHEAS: A multisensory and multivariate data assimilation forecasting system. IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, Melbourne, Australia.

• Mueller, B., Hirschi, M., Jimenez, C., Ciais, P., Dirmeyer, P., Dolman, A.J., Fisher, J.B., Jung, M., Ludwig, F., Maignan, F., McCabe, M.F., Miralles, D., Reichstein, M., Sheffield, J., Wang, K., Wood, E.F., Zhang, Y., Seneviratne, S.I., 2013. Benchmark products for land evapotranspiration: LandFlux-EVAL multi-dataset synthesis. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Garcνa, M., Mu, Q., Ceccato, P., Ardφ, J., Mougin, P., Kergoat, L., Timouk, F., Sandholdt, I., Fisher, J.B. 2013. Satellite-based drought monitoring in the Sahel: evaluation of two global physically-based evapotranspiration algorithms. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Fisher, J.B., Clark, D., Smith, P., 2013. Nitrogen cycling in the Hadley Centre land surface model (JULES). CESM Land Model and Biogeochemistry Working Group Meeting, National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder, Colorado, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Lee, J.-H., Hulley, G., Hughes, C., Mallick, K., Hook, S., 2013. Uncertainty in evapotranspiration from uncertainty in land surface temperature. American Meteorological Society, Austin, Texas, USA.

• Mallick, K., Fisher, J.B., Jarvis, A., Lee, J.-H., Niyogi, D., 2013. LST-based analytical solution of conductance and evapotranspiration: validation over all semi-arid FLUXNET sites. American Meteorological Society, Austin, Texas, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Sikka, M., Oechel, W.C., Koven, C.D., Huntzinger, D.N., Ahlstrφm, A., Arain, A.M., Baker, I., Chen, J.M., Ciais, P., Davidson, C., Dietze, M., El-Masri, B., Hayes, D., Huntingford, C., Jain, A., Lomas, M.R., Poulter, B., Price, D., Sahoo, A.K., Schaefer, K., Tian, H., Tomelleri, E., Verbeeck, H., Viovy, N., Zeng, N., Miller, C.E., 2012. The state of land surface model uncertainty for the Alaskan Arctic. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Sikka, M., Bowman, K.W., Liu, J., Lee, M., Collatz, G.J., Pawson, S., Gunson, M., CMS Flux Team, TRENDY Modelers, NACP Regional Synthesis Modelers, 2012. The NASA Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Flux Pilot Project as a means to evaluate global land surface models. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Mallick, K., Fisher, J.B., Jarvis, A., Lee, J.-H., Niyogi, D., 2012. An analytical solution of surface energy balance based on MODIS LST: validation over all semi-arid FLUXNET sites. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Palmer, C., Fisher, J.B., Mallick, K., Lee, J., 2012. The potential of potential evapotranspiration. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Frankenberg, C., Guanter, L., Fisher, J.B., Lee, J.-E., et al., 2012. Space borne retrievals of chlorophyll fluorescence from the GOSAT satellite. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Schwalm, C.R., Huntzinger, D.N., Michalak, A.M., Fisher, J.B., Kimball, J.S., Mueller, B., Zhang, K., Zhang, Y., 2012. On the effects of evaluation decisions in model-data intercomparisons: An example using CMIP5 evapotranspiration. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• O’Connor, D., Phillips, R.P., Brzostek, E., Fisher, J.B., 2012. In situ root exudation in three common tree species of southern Indiana. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Parazoo, N.C., Bowman, K., Frankenberg, C., Lee, J.-E., Fisher, J.B., Worden, J., Jones, D.B.A., Berry, J., Collatz, G.J., Baker, I.T., Jung, M., Liu, J., 2012. Space based observations of Amazon carbon cycle. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Eldering, A., Boland, S., Bowman, K., Crisp, D., Duren, R., Fisher, J., Frankenberg, C., Gunson, M., Menemenlis, D., Miller, C., Kaki, S., 2012. The scientific contributions expected from the OCO-3 mission of opportunity. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Bowman, K.W., Liu, J., Lee, M., Pawson, S., Menemenlis, D., Fisher, J.B., Collatz, G.J., Potter, C., Gregg, W., Brix, H., Ott, L., Zhu, Z., Hill, C., Dutkiewicz, S., Follows, M., Henze, D., Nassar, R., Jones, D., Kulawik, S., Weidner, R., Gunson, M., 2012. Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Deng, F., Jones, D.B.A., Henze, D., Bowman, K., Kulawik, S., Fisher, J.B., Nassar, R., 2012. Inferring regional sources and sinks of atmospheric CO2 from GOSAT XCO2 data. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Mallick, K., Wood, E., Tu, K., Badgley, G., Polhamus, A., Vinukollu, R., Jimιnez, J., 2012. Global terrestrial evapotranspiration from remote sensing: overview of approaches, algorithms, and products. American Geophysical Union Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle, Kona, Hawaii, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Mu, Q., Mallick, K., Wood, E., Tu, K., Badgley, G., Polhamus, A., Vinukollu, R., Jimιnez, J., 2012. Global terrestrial evapotranspiration from remote sensing: overview of approaches, algorithms, and products. American Meteorological Society, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Boland, S., Bowman, K., Crisp, D., Duren, R., Eldering, A., Fisher, J., Frankenberg, C., Gunson, M., Menemenlis, D., Miller, C., 2012. The scientific contributions expected from OCO-3 if installed on the International Space Station. 1st Annual International Space Station Research and Development Conference, Denver, Colorado, USA.

• Mallick, K., Fisher, J.B., Guillaume, A., Ryu, Y., Stephens, G., 2011. Global net radiation for evapotranspiration at 1 km2: production and uncertainty assessment. 2011 Western States Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration Workshop, Boise, Idaho, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Polhamus, A., Bowman, K., Collatz, G.J., Potter, C., Lee, M., Liu, J., Jung, M., Reichstein, M., 2011. Evaluation of NASA’s Carbon Monitoring System (CMS) Flux Pilot: Terrestrial CO2 Fluxes. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Boroon, M.H.R., Fisher, J.B., 2011. Linking groundwater quality and quantity: An assessment of satellite-based groundwater storage anomalies from GRACE against ground measurements of contaminants in California. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Frankenberg, C., Fisher, J.B., Lee, J.-E., Guanter, L., van der Tol, C., Toon, G.C., Kuze, A., Yokota, T., Badgley, G., Butz, A., Jung, M., Saatchi, S., Worden, J., 2011. New global observations of the terrestrial carbon cycle from GOSAT: Patterns of plant fluorescence with gross primary productivity. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA. NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

• Brix, H., Menemenlis, D., Gregg, W., Bowman, K., Dutkiewicz, S., Fisher, J.B., Follows, M., Hill, C., Jahn, O., Lee, M., Liu, J., Ott, L., Wang, D., 2011. Air-sea CO2 flux estimates from two data-constrained ocean models for the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project and their impact on atmospheric CO2 concentration variability. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Bowman, K.W., Liu, J., Lee, M., Pawson, S., Ott, L.E., Menemenlis, D., Fisher, J.B., Collatz, G.J., Potter, C.S., Gregg, W.W., Brix, H., Zhu, Z., Hill, C.N., Dutkiewicz, S., Follows, M.J., Henze, D.K., Nassar, R., Jones, D.B.A., Kulawik, S.S., Gunson, M.R., Jucks, K.W., 2011. Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT from the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Ott, L., Pawson, S., Zhu, Z., Brix, H., Collatz, G.J., Gregg, W., Hill, C., Menemenlis, D., Potter, C., Bowman, K., Dutkiewicz, S., Eldering, A., Fisher, J.B., Follows, M., Gunson, M., Jucks, K., Kawa, R., Liu, J., Lee, M., 2011. Using GEOS-5 atmospheric transport simulations to test the consistency of land- and ocean-carbon fluxes with CO2 observations. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Block, G., Guillaume, A., Stephens, G., Miller, C., Lee, J.-E., Sitch, S., Ciais, P., Wang, Y., 2011. Ensemble land surface modeling at JPL. NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop, Alexandria, Virginia, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Sitch, S., Malhi, Y., Fisher, R.A., Huntingford, C., Tan, S.-Y., 2011. Global modeling of plant N uptake and C allocation. Ecological Society of America, Austin, Texas, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Badgley, G., Jimιnez, C., Tu, K.P., Vinukollu, R., 2011. Uncertainty in global evapotranspiration estimates from choice of input forcing datasets. NASA/USDA Workshop on “Evapotranspiration: An Essential Observation for Climate Understanding and Efficient Water Management”, Silver Spring, Maryland, USA.

• Zelazowski, P., Malhi, Y., Huntingford, C., Sitch, S., Fisher, J.B., 2011. Changes in the potential distribution of humid tropical forests on a warmer planet. British Ecological Society Annual Symposium: Forests and Global Change, Cambridge, UK.

• Fisher, J.B., 2011. Evapotranspiration. International Land Model Benchmarking Project Meeting, Irvine, California, USA. (Invited)

• Simard, M., Pinto, N., Baccini, A., Fisher, J.B., 2011. Global forest height from ICESat, MODIS and environmental variables. AmeriFlux Science Meeting & 3rd NACP All-Investigators Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

• Frankenberg, C., Butz, A., Fisher, J.B., Toon, G., Kuze, A., Yokota, T., Badgley, G., Worden, J., 2011. Global remote sensing of chlorophyll fluorescence using high-resolution O2 A-band spectra recorded by the GOSAT satellite. The 7th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space, Edinburgh, UK.

• Bowman, K., Lee, M., Henze, D., Nassar, R., Pawson, S., Menemenlis, D., Fisher, J., Hill, C., Potter, C., Gregg, W., Collatz, J., Brix, H., Ott, L., Zhu, Z., Dutkiewicz, S., Follows, M., Kulawik, S., Worden, J., Osterman, G., Jones, D., Weidner, R., Gunson, M., Jucks, K., 2011. Preliminary estimates of carbon emissions constrained by GOSAT and TES from the NASA Carbon Monitoring Study Flux Pilot Project. The 7th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space, Edinburgh, UK.

• Pawson, S., Ott, L., Zhu, Z., Bowman, K., Brix, H., Collatz, J., Dutkiewicz, S., Fisher, J., Gregg, W., Hill, C., Menemenlis, D., Potter, C., Gunson, M., Jucks, K., 2011. Forward modeling of atmospheric carbon dioxide in GEOS-5: Uncertainties related to surface fluxes and sub-grid transport. The 7th International Workshop on Greenhouse Gas Measurements from Space, Edinburgh, UK.

• Fisher, J.B., Badgley, G., Blyth, E., 2010. Global nutrient limitation in terrestrial vegetation from remote sensing. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Frankenberg, C., Butz, A., Fisher, J.B., Toon, G., Kuze, A., Yokota, T., 2010. Global remote sensing of chlorophyll fluorescence using high-resolution spectra recorded by the Japanese GOSAT satellite. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y., Torres, I.C., Metcalfe, D.B., van de Weg, M., Meir, P., Espejo, J.E.S., Huaraca, W., 2010. Nutrient limitation in cloud forests and rainforests along a 3000 m elevation gradient in the Peruvian Andes. Ecological Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Njoku, E.G., Entekhabi, D., 2010. Soil Moisture Active Passive (SMAP): NASA’s Earth observation mission to measure soil moisture and freeze/thaw state globally, and provide improved estimates of net ecosystem exchange. Ecological Society of America, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA.

• Mueller, B., Seneviratne, S.I., Hirschi, M., Corti, T., Jimenez, C., Balsamo, G., Fisher, J.B., Jung, M., Reichstein, M., Sheffield, J., Teuling, A.J., Wang, K., Wood, E., 2010. First results from LandFlux-EVAL intercomparison project: Analysis of multi-year datasets. European Geophysical Union, Vienna, Austria.

• Fisher, J.B., Armanios, D., Tu, K.P., 2009. Global evapotranspiration from remote sensing driven by SRB, AIRS and MODIS, validated at 36 FLUXNET sites. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Sitch, S., Malhi, Y., Fisher, R.A., Huntingford, C., Tan, S.-Y., 2009. What principles govern plant nitrogen uptake responses to changes in CO2, climate and nitrogen deposition? American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Tu, K., Armanios, D., 2009. Global evapotranspiration from remote sensing. Joint 6th International GEWEX and 2nd iLEAPS Science Conference; iLEAPS ECSW Meeting; LandFlux Meeting. Melbourne, Australia.

• Morel, A., Fisher, J.B., 2009. Where has the carbon gone? Monitoring biomass and emissions from conversion of rainforest to oil palm in Sabah, Malaysia. Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry Society Annual Conference, Leicester, UK.

• Sitch, S., Clark, D., Cox, P., Fisher, J.B., Fisher, R., Harrison, S., Huntingford, C., Jones, C., Mercado, L., Pacifico, F., 2009. Advances in terrestrial ecosystem processes. QUEST Annual Science Meeting, Swindon, UK.

• Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y., Fisher, R.A., Tan, S.-Y., Sitch, S., Huntingford, C., 2008. A globally applicable, mechanistic model of plant nitrogen uptake, retranslocation and fixation. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y., de Araϊjo, A.C., Bonal, D., Gamo, M., Goulden, M.L., Hirano, T., Huete, A.R., Kondo, H., Kumagai, T., Loescher, H., Miller, S., Nobre, A.D., Nouvellon, Y., Oberbauer, S.F., Panuthai, S., von Randow, C., da Rocha, H.R., Roupsard, O., Saleska, S., Tanaka, K., Tanaka, N., Tu, K.P., 2007, 2008.  The land-atmosphere water flux in the tropics. LBA-ECO 11th Science Team Meeting, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. iLEAPS Science Conference: Current understanding of how integrated land ecosystem atmosphere processes influence climate dynamics, Hyθres, France.

• Fisher, J.B., 2008. QUERCC: Quantifying and Understanding Ecosystem Roles in the Carbon Cycle.  QUEST Annual Science Meeting, Winchester, UK. (Invited)

• Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y., de Araϊjo, A.C., Bonal, D., da Rocha, H.R., Goulden, M.L., Hirano, T., Kumagai, T., Loescher, H., Miller, S., Nobre, A.D., Oberbauer, S., Saleska, S., von Randow, C., Tu, K.P., 2007.  The tropical land-atmosphere water flux: Measurements, models and controls for evapotranspiration in the Amazon.  LBA-ECO 11th Science Team Meeting, Salvador, Bahia, Brazil.

• Fisher, J.B., Tu, K.P., 2007.  Global trends in potential and actual evapotranspiration based on 20 years of satellite observations.  American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Malhi, Y.S., 2006, 2007.  Modelling plant nitrogen: fixation, uptake and allocation.  QUEST, QUERCC Fall meeting, Edinburgh, UK.  First JULES Science Meeting, Exeter, UK.

• Tu, K.P., Fisher, J.B., 2006.  Remote sensing of the land-atmosphere water flux: Global validation using FLUXNET data.  AmeriFlux meeting, Boulder, Colorado, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., 2006.  Summary of past, present and future research.  International Networking of Young Scientists on Imaging Techniques and GIS: Applications in Environmental and Natural Resources Management.  British Council, Universiti Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

• Fisher, J.B., Trulio, L.A., Biging, G., Chromczak, D., 2006.  Use of GIS and spatial analysis for wildlife management measures.  American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Reno, Nevada, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Misson, L., Goldstein, A.H., 2006.  Sap flow measurements for ponderosa pine, manzanita and ceanothus at Blodgett Forest, California.  Blodgett Forest Research Workshop, Georgetown, California, USA.

• Tu, K.P., Fisher, J.B., 2006.  Remote sensing of the land-atmosphere water flux: Global validation using FLUXNET data.  Proceedings of the 1st iLEAPS Science Conference, Boulder, Colorado, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Tu, K., 2005.  New global estimates of the land-atmosphere water flux: A fully remote sensing driven, flux site-validated ecophysiological model of evapotranspiration.  The 9th International Symposium on Physical Measurements and Signatures in Remote Sensing, Beijing, China. 

• Dawson, T., Tu, K., Fisher, J.B., Baldocchi, D., 2004.  Partitioning Evaporation and Transpiration Using 18-0 of Water.  Biosphere Atmosphere Stable Isotope Network Meeting, Point Reyes, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., 2004.  Estimation of Evapotranspiration Across Multiple Scales: Sap Flow, Flux Measurement, Remote Sensing, and Sociology.  NASA Earth System Science Network Symposium, Washington, D.C., USA.

• Fisher, J.B., Tu, K., 2004.  Validation of MODIS-Derived Parameters with FLUXNET Measurements: Surface Temperature, Air Temperature, Fraction of Photosynthetically Absorbed Radiation, and Albedo.  Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group’s MODIS Vegetation Workshop II, Missoula, Montana, USA.

• Tu, K.P., Fisher, J.B., 2004.  Remote sensing of plant transpiration and soil evaporation using MODIS data.  Numerical Terradynamic Simulation Group’s MODIS Vegetation Workshop II, Missoula, Montana, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., 2003.  Environmental Justice / Air Toxics analysis for West Oakland: Combining GIS and spatial data analysis.  American Public Health Association (Awarded 1st Place in the Environment Section Student Award Poster Session), San Francisco, California, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., 2003.  Environmental Justice / Air Toxics analysis for West Oakland: Combining GIS and spatial data analysis.  GIS Day – Public Interest GIS, University of California, Berkeley, USA.

• Fisher, J.B., DeBiase, T.A., Qi, Y., Xu, M., Goldstein, A., 2001.  Evapotranspiration methods compared on a Sierra Nevada forest ecosystem.  American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• DeBiase, T.A., Qi, Y., Fisher, J.B., Baldocchi, D., Goldstein, A., Xu, M., Liang, X., 2001.  Comparison of potential evapotranspiration methods based on results from FLUXNET sites in the United States.  American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, California, USA.

• DeBiase, T.A., Fisher, J.B., Qi, Y., Goldstein, A., 1999.  Evapotranspiration revisited: Linking soil moisture and canopy resistance.  International Symposium on Integrated Water Resource Management, University of California, Davis, USA.



• Remote sensing of tree canopies reveals the identity of belowground fungi, The Academic Times, 2021

• Satellite data reveals impact of warming on global water cycle, CarbonBrief, 2021

• Climate Change Rap, 2021

• What Causes the Seasons? REACH: A Space Podcast for Kids, 2021

• Living Planet: Capturing carbon in Costa Rica, Deutsche Welle Radio’s World Service, 2021

• On the Surface, NASA podcast, 2020

• NASA’S ECOSTRESS Takes Surface Temperature Around California Fires, 2020

• Saturation Point, New Scientist, 2020

• Clues to the impact of climate change may seep from a volcano in Costa Rica, The Washington Post, 2020

• Forests Respond to Volcanic Emissions, 2020

• Profiled, VoyageLA, 2020

• NASA Gauges Plant Stress in Costa Rican Drought, 2019

• Drought-Stressed Forest Fueled Amazon Fires, 2019

• Houston, We’re Here to Help the Farmers, 2019

• NASA and CCST Partner to Improve Science and Applications outcomes for NZ, 2018

• New Tool Will Help Save Water By Measuring Plant Health From Space, News Deeply, 2018

• Monitoring Plant Health from Space: NASA’s ECOSTRESS Mission, 2018

• New NASA Mission to Detect Plant Water Use from Space, 2018

• Can plants tell us when the next drought will happen? JPL’s ‘space botanist’ may have the answer, Press-Telegram, 2018

• Study Finds Drought Recoveries Taking Longer, 2017

• Interviewed, featured on Repretal (Costa Rican national news): NASA estudia los boques ticos (http://www.repretel.com/actualidad/nasa-estudia-bosques-ticos-70438), Vulcanσlogos se unen a trabajo de cientνficos de la NASA (http://www.repretel.com/actualidad/vulcanologos-trabajo-cientificos-nasa-70415), 2017

• NASA Satellite Images Uncover Underground Forest Fungi, 2016

• As the Climate Change Threat Grows, So Does a Theatrical Response, American Theatre, 2016

• Featured on: Art In Science, Los Angeles County Office of Education, 2015

• Expert Consultant to: Madam Secretary (“Face the Nation”, S1Ep17), 2015

• NASA Finds Good News on Forests and Carbon Dioxide, 2014

• NASA’s ECOSTRESS Will Monitor Plant Health, 2014

• With Few Data, Arctic Carbon Models Lack Consensus, 2014

• Featured on: The Playboy Morning Show, 2013

• Sound byte for: KTLA on Climate Change, 2013

• NASA Maps How Nutrients Affect Plant Productivity, 2012

• NASA Map Sees Earth’s Trees in a New Light, 2012

• Interviewed in: HydroRisk website—http://www.hydrorisk.com/index.php/blog/11

• Featured in: Hambly, Vivienne, 2009. Into the Amazon’s Heart. Sublime (October): 12-20.



• Eagle Rock Elementary School: 4th Grade (2021)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“A Window Into the Future of the Earth, Hidden in the Jungles of Costa Rica’s Volcanoes”

• California State University, Northridge: Remote Sensing (2021)

Northridge, California, USA

“The Future of Earth’s Ecosystems”

• AIA|LA Committee on the Environment (COTE): 2 Degrees Symposium (2020)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“The Future of Earth’s Ecosystems”

• Lincoln Beer Company: Space Night (2020)

Burbank, California, USA

“The Future of Earth’s Ecosystems (and the Future of Beer!)”

• California Institute of Technology: Fundamentals of Sustainability Science and Engineering (2020)

Pasadena, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere”

• US Bureau of Reclamation: Reclamation Reservoir Operations Workshop (2019)

Boulder City, NV, USA

“Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Hydrology”

• Chapman University (2019)

Orange, California, USA

“The Fate of Earth’s Ecosystems”

• Northern Arizona University: Eco-informatics Seminar (2019)

Flagstaff, Arizona, USA

“The Fate of Earth’s Ecosystems”

• Arcosanti (2019)

Arcosanti, Arizona, USA

“Climate ∆”

• NAC Architecture: ChangeMakers (2019)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“The Fate of Earth’s Ecosystems”

• University of Southern California: Department of International Relations (2019)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• University of Southern California: Department of Earth Sciences (2019)

Los Angeles, California, USA


• Pasadena Rotary (2019)

Pasadena, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• Napa Lighted Arts Festival (2019)

Napa, California, USA

“Earth From Beyond”

• California Science Education Conference (2018)

Pasadena, California, USA

“The Fate of Earth’s Ecosystems”

• NASA Museum Alliance (2018)

Pasadena, California, USA

“ECOSTRESS: NASA’S next mission to the International Space Station to measure plant water use and stress worldwide”

• Jet Propulsion Laboratory & Pasadena Community College: Von Karman Lecture (2018)

Pasadena, California, USA

“The Fate of Earth’s Ecosystems”

• California Institute of Technology: Science for March (2018)

Pasadena, California, USA

“The International Space Station as a Key to Unlocking Terrestrial Ecosystems”

• California Institute of Technology: Earth Week 2017 (2017)

Pasadena, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere”

• California Institute of Technology: Fundamentals of Sustainability Science and Engineering (2017)

Pasadena, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere”

• University of California, Riverside (2016)

Riverside, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere”

• University of Pennsylvania (2016)

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere”

• Killefer Flammang Architects (2016)

Santa Monica, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• League of Women Voters (2016)

Pasadena, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere”

• Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church (2016)

Claremont, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• Pasadena Climate Day (2016)

Pasadena, California, USA

“ECOSTRESS: NASA’s next-generation mission to measure evapotranspiration from the International Space Station”

• Action LA: Climate Change Theater (2015)

Santa Monica, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• The Waverly School, Middle School (2015)

Pasadena, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• Holy Name of Mary Parish: Caring for Our Common Home (2015)

San Dimas, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• Church of Scientology: World Environment Day (2015)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• EarthCube: Essential Variables and Associated Challenges for EarthCube Science Drivers (2015)

Arlington, Virginia, USA

“Terrestrial Remote Sensing”

• Stanford University: Carnegie Institute for Global Ecology (2015)

Palo Alto, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere Under a Changing Climate”

• University of Texas at Austin: Center for Integrated Earth System Science (2015)

Austin, Texas, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere Under a Changing Climate”

• NASA Museum Alliance (2015)

Pasadena, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere Under a Changing Climate”

• SMAP Mission Launch Event (2015)

Pasadena, California, USA

“Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud: The Science of SMAP”

• Art Center College of Design (2015)

Pasadena, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• SMAP Mission Pre-Launch Educator Conference (2014)

Pasadena, California, USA

“Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud: The Science of SMAP”

• Environmental Science and Technology High School (2014)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“Career Development of a NASA Climate Scientist”

• United Nations Association – Pomona Valley (PVUNA) (2014)

Pomona, California, USA

“Climate Change: The Science & Challenge”

• University of California, Los Angeles: Seminar in Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences (2014)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere Under Climate Change”

• KIPP Academy Elementary School (2014)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• Active Claremont (2014)

Claremont, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• University of Southern California: Seminar in Department of Earth Sciences (2014)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“The Fate of the Terrestrial Biosphere Under Climate Change”

• Child Educational Center: Mud Week (2013)

La Caρada, California, USA

“Mud, Mud, Glorious Mud”

• Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et l’Environnement (2013)

Gif-sur-Yvette, France

“CHANGE: Carbon, Hydrology And Nutrients Global Evaluation”

• Observatoire de Paris (2013)

Paris, France

“CHANGE: Carbon, Hydrology And Nutrients Global Evaluation”

• Tel Aviv University: Porter School for Environmental Studies (2013)

Tel Aviv, Israel

“CHANGE: Carbon, Hydrology And Nutrients Global Evaluation”

• LA Climate Rally (2013)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“Climate Science”

• JPL Climate Day (2012)

Pasadena, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• University of Southern California: Science, Technology and Society (2012)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“Climate Science and Society”

• East Los Angeles College: STEM Summer Academy (2012)

Los Angeles, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• Lawrence Magnet School (2012)

Pasadena, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• League of Women Voters: When It Rains It Doesn’t Pour: Climate Change and Water: A Primer for Voters (2012)

Pasadena, California, USA

“Climate ∆”

• Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Earth Week Earth Science Talks: What’s New in JPL Earth Science? (2012)

Pasadena, California, USA

“What JPL is Doing to Observe and Predict Changes in Earth’s Terrestrial Ecosystems and Water Cycle”

• Pasadena Community College: Environmental Studies (2012)

Pasadena, California, USA

“NASA Earth Science”

• Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Climate Change Symposium (2011)

Pasadena, California, USA

“CHANGE: Carbon, Hydrology And Nitrogen for Global Evaluation”

• Jet Propulsion Laboratory: SIRI & USRP Speaker Series (2011)

Pasadena, California, USA

“CHANGE: Carbon, Hydrology And Nitrogen for Global Evaluation”

• Occidental College: Physical Geology (2011)

Eagle Rock, California, USA

“NASA Earth Science”

• California Institute of Technology: Yuk Lunch Seminar, Div. of Geological and Planetary Sciences (2011)

Pasadena, California, USA

“CHANGE: Carbon, Hydrology And Nitrogen for Global Evaluation”

• IEEE: Los Angeles Metro Section (2010)

Monterey Park, California, USA

“CHANGE: Carbon, Hydrology And Nitrogen for Global Evaluation”

• Occidental College: The Remsen Bird Lecture for Geology, Biology and Chemistry (2010)

Eagle Rock, California, USA

“CHANGE: Carbon, Hydrology And Nitrogen for Global Evaluation”

• Yale University: School of Forestry and Environmental Studies (2010)

New Haven, Connecticut, USA

“Remote Sensing of the Hydrological Cycle”

• European Science Foundation (2008)

Porquerolles, France

“QUEST: The State of UK Climate Modelling”

• Korea University: Division of Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering (2008)

Seoul, South Korea

“QUEST: The State of UK Climate Modelling”

• University of Oxford: Biodiversity Research Seminar, School of Geography and the Environment (2008)

Oxford, UK

“Evapotranspiration is a proxy for biodiversity, but how accurate are these estimates?”

• TippingPoint Climate Art Programme: Climate Change: Scientific Briefing Day for Artists (2007)

Oxford, UK

“Earth Observation”

• University of Oxford: Oriel College, Forum on the Environment (2007)

Oxford, UK

“From Leaf Measurements to Satellite Remote Sensing: Methods in the Environmental Sciences”

• Korea University: Division of Environmental Science & Ecological Engineering (2005)

Seoul, South Korea

“The land-atmosphere water flux: the individual plant, ecosystem fluxes, global patterns, and the sociological advancement of science”

• University of California, Berkeley: Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management (2005)

Berkeley, California, USA

“Spatial dimensions of environmental justice: GIS and spatial analysis in West Oakland”



• Highly Cited Researchers, Clarivate Analytics (2018, 2019, 2020)

• NASA Group Achievement Award, ECOSTRESS Science Team (2020)

• NASA Group Achievement Award, ECOSTRESS Anomaly Response Team (2020)

• NASA Group Achievement Award, ECOSTRESS Payload Development Team (2019)

• JPL Team Award (8X), ECOSTRESS (2018, 2019)

• Voyager Award, ECOSTRESS (2015)

• JPL Team Award (32), ECOSTRESS (2014)

• NASA Group Achievement Award, Carbon Monitoring System Flux Pilot Project Team (2013)

• JPL Team Award (8000), Water Cycle Workshop (2013)

• JPL Team Award (324), Water Cycle Workshop (2012)

• JPL Team Award (324), Carbon Monitoring System (2012)

• JPL Team Award (324), CARVE (2012)

• JPL Team Award (388), CARVE (2012)

• MsTMIP Mini-Grant, NASA, Terrestrial Ecology (2011)

• New Phytologist Trust, Travel Award to 96th ESA Annual Meeting (2011)

• JPL Team Award (324), SMAP Science Cal/Val (2010)

• Junior Research Fellowship, Linacre College, Oxford University (2009)

• Cape Farewell, Designated Scientist to Andes Expedition (2009)

• Oxford University, School of Geography and the Environment, ECI Divisional Merit Award (2008)

• Royal Society, Conference Grant (2008)

• European Science Foundation Conference Travel Award (2008)

• iLEAPS Conference Travel Award (2008)

• Large Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia Travel Award (2007)

• Oxford University ECI Small Grants for Postgraduate Research (2007)

• British Council International Networking for Young Scientists (2006)

• University of California, Berkeley Faculty Research Grant (2004 – 2006)

• G. Fitzgarrald Martin Scholarship (2005)

• NASA Earth System Science Fellowship (2002 – 2005)

• American Public Health Association Environment Section Student Award Poster Session (1st Place) (2003)

• US EPA, Region 9 Air Division Certificate of Appreciation (2001)

• The National Dean’s List Award (2001)

• Association of California Water Agencies (2000)

• Los Angeles Audubon Society Urban Wildlife Award (1993)



• Organizer, AmeriFlux Annual Meeting. Virtual (2020)

• Convener, Harnessing the Data Revolution: Insights into Ecosystem Dynamics Enabled By New Instruments on the International Space Station. Ecological Society of America. Virtual (2020)

• Editor, Environmental Research Letters (Special Issue: Resiliency and Vulnerability of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems to Environmental Change: Advances and Outcomes of ABoVE (the Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment) (2017-current)

• Editor, Remote Sensing (Special Issue: Recent Advances in Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration) (2017-2018)

• Host, Make-A-Wish-Foundation visit with scientists (2017)

• Editor, Hydrosphere (2015-current)

• Contributing Author, 2nd State of the Carbon Cycle Report (SOCCR), US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) (2016-current)

• Working Group Lead, Science Team Member, NASA Arctic Boreal Vulnerability Experiment (ABoVE) (2015-current)

• Judge, AGU Fall Meeting, Outstanding Student Paper Award (2012-current)

• Convener, The Resilience and Vulnerability of Arctic and Boreal Ecosystems to Climate Change, AGU Fall Meeting (2016)

• Convener, Carbon Dynamics in Tropical, Arctic/Boreal, Coastal, and Wetland-Dominant Regions, AGU Fall Meeting (2016)

• Convener, Remote Sensing of Vegetation Function and Traits, AGU Fall Meeting (2014)

• Member, NASA Carbon Cycle & Ecosystems Joint Science Workshop Steering Committee (2014)

• Editor, International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (Special Issue: “Advances in Remote Sensing of Vegetation Function and Traits”) (2014)

• Panelist, Ask A Climate Scientist, Earth Day Events at Caltech (2014)

• Convener, Remote Sensing of Vegetation for Monitoring Ecosystem Functioning, AGU Fall Meeting (2013)

• Coordinator, NASA Carbon Monitoring System Capability Risk Working Group (2013)

• Member, NASA Terrestrial Ecology Modeling Working Group (2013)

• Judge, Climate Debate, Notre Dame High School, Sherman Oaks, CA (2013)

• Panelist, Moderator, ClimatePalooza, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, NASA JPL (2013)

• Science Team Member, NASA Carbon Monitoring System, NASA (2012)

• Lead Organizer, JPL Workshop on “Water in a Changing Climate: The Science”, NASA JPL (2012)

• Host, UC Berkeley Student Externship Program (2012)

• Presider, Biogeochemistry: New Paradigms in Biogeochemical Cycling 1; and, Judge, Bell-Braun Student Presentations, Ecological Society of America (2011)

• Co-chair, New and Emerging Satellite Missions for Remote Sensing Hydrology I, American Geophysical Union (2010)

• iLEAPS Scientific Organizing Committee, Early Career Scientist Workshop (2010-2011)

• TES/AIRMOSS Hiring Committee Member, NASA JPL, CalTech (2010)

• External Reviewer, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences (2010)

• Member, Oxford University Supreme Governing Body (Congregation) (2009-2010)

• Ecosystems Group Representative, ECI Management Team, University of Oxford (2008-2010)

• Member, ECI MSc Core Teaching Team, University of Oxford (2008-2010)

• Coach, Oxford University Men’s Basketball Team (Blues) (2006)

• Contributing Sports Journalist, Cherwell 24 Newspaper and The Oxford Student (2006)

• Departmental Liaison, UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly (2005-2006)

• Member, Graduate Programs Committee, UC Berkeley Dept. ESPM (2004-2005)

• Graduate Student Representative, Graduate Student Admissions, UC Berkeley Dept. ESPM (2004-2005)

• Member, Judicial Committee, UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly (2004-2005)

• Departmental Delegate, UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly (2002-2005)

• Graduate Student Representative, Faculty Search Committee, UC Berkeley Dept. ESPM (2004)

• Chair, UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly’s Committee on Affirmative Action (2004)

• President, UC Berkeley Environmental Sciences Students Association (2001)

• Member, UC Berkeley Hapa Issues Forum (1998-2001)

• Student advisor to the dean, UC Berkeley College of Natural Resources (1997)

• President, Taft High School Ecology Club (1997)



• Advances in Water Resources

• Agricultural & Forest Meteorology

• American Public Health Association

• Annals of Botany

• Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

• Belgian Remote Sensing Research Programme

• Big Earth Data

• Biogeosciences

• Biology Letters

• BioScience

• Biotropica

• Climate Research

• Climatic Change

• Earth’s Future

• Ecological Engineering

• Ecological Indicators

• Ecological Modelling

• Ecology

• Ecosystems

• Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene

• Environmental Modelling & Software

• Environmental Research Letters

• Environmental Science & Policy


• Frontiers in Earth Science

• Geophysical Research Letters

• Geoscience & Remote Sensing Letters

• Geoscientific Model Development

• Global Change Biology

• Global Change Biology – Bioenergy

• Global Ecology and Biogeography

• Global and Planetary Change

• Health & Place

• Hydrogeology Journal

• Hydrological Processes

• Hydrological Sciences Journal

• Hydrology and Earth System Sciences

• IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing

• IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters

• IPCC AR5 (Expert Reviewer)

• Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems

• Journal of the American Water Resources Association

• Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology

• Journal of Biogeography

• Journal of Climate

• Journal of Geography & Regional Planning

• Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres

• Journal of Geophysical Research – Biogeosciences

• Journal of Great Lakes Research

• Journal of Hydrology

• Journal of Hydrometeorology

• Journal of Selected Topics in Earth Observations & Remote Sensing

• Journal of Wildlife Management

• Land Use Policy

• Landscape and Urban Planning

• Nature

• Nature Climate Change

• Nature Geoscience

• Nature Plants

• New Phytologist

• Oecologia

• Plant Ecology & Diversity


• Progress in Physical Geography

• Remote Sensing of Environment

• Scientific Reports

• Theoretical and Applied Climatology

• Tree Physiology

• UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)

• US Department of Energy (DOE)

• US Geological Survey (USGS)

• US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

• US National Science Foundation (NSF)

• Water

• Water Resources Research



• Terrestrial Biosphere Modeling (2016)

University of California, Los Angeles

• Storytelling for Scientists (2016)

California Institute of Technology

• Introduction to Remote Sensing, GIS & Modelling (2007 – 2009)

University of Oxford, UK, Environmental Change Institute and School of Geography and the Environment

MSc in Environmental Change & Management

MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation & Management

MSc in Water Science, Policy & Management

• Earth Observation: Ecological Applications (2006 – 2009)

University of Oxford, UK, School of Geography and the Environment

• Land-Surface Climatology (2007)

University of Oxford, UK, School of Geography and the Environment

• Evapotranspiration: Sap Flow, Isotopes, Eddy Flux, Modelling & Remote Sensing (2006)

University of Oxford, UK, Centre for the Environment – Water Science, Policy & Management MSc

• Senior Research Seminar in Environmental Sciences (2005 – 2006)

University of California, Berkeley, USA, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management

• Environmental Justice: Race, Class, Equity & the Environment (2004)

University of California, Berkeley, USA, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management

• Natural Resource Sampling & Assessment (2002)

University of California, Berkeley, USA, Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management




• Dan Sousa, Post-doc

Multi-sensor fusion

• Braghiere, Renato, Post-doc

Modeling nutrient cycle dynamics

• Joalda Morancy, B.S., U. Chicago

ECOSTRESS climate events

• Kourtney Wallace, B.S., Howard University

Nutrient cycling

• Mariah Graham, B.A., Humboldt State U.

ECOSTRESS-OCO-3 synergies

• Katie Nelson, M.S., Michigan Tech. U.

Volcanic CO2

• Mony Sea, M.S., Cal State Northridge

Water applications

• Hantson, Wouter, Ph.D., University of Maine

Arctic-Boreal Ecosystem Dynamics

• Dohlen, Matt, M.S., Cal Poly Pomona




• Krishnamurthy, Krishna, D.Env., UCLA

Drought tipping points: can satellite remote sensing provide improved early warning signals for food and water security?

• Ngyuen, Cody, B.S., Cal Poly Pomona

Arctic-Boreal Vulnerability Experiment data synthesis

• Ayanna Jones, Ph.D., Emory

Rhizosphere modeling



• Purdy, AJ, Post-doc

Soil moisture improvements to evapotranspiration modeling

• Khanna, Malvika, B.S., Occidental College


• Galvan, Fernando, B.S., CSUN


• Halverson, Gregory, M.A. in Department of Geography, CSUN

Operational evapotranspiration application system

• Phillips, Michala, Ph.D., UC Riverside

Remote sensing of mycorrhizal associations

• Perakalapudi, Naga, M.S., USC

Model Farm

• Lee, Brian, M.S., Yale

ECOSTRESS validation

• Gagne-Landmann, Anna, B.S., Universitι Laval

Model Farm

• Moyano Pιrez, Marνa del Carmen, Ph.D., Universidad Politιcnica de Madrid, Spain

A Case Study in the Doρana Region and Surrounding Irrigated Areas



• Magney, Troy, Post-doc


• Stofferahn, Eric, Post-doc


• Purdy, AJ, Ph.D. in Department of Earth System Science, UC Irvine

Soil moisture improvements to evapotranspiration modeling

• Famiglietti, Caroline, UCLA

Error assessment of MODIS near surface meteorological products

• Bogue, Robert, Occidental College

Plant responses to volcanically-elevated CO2 in two Costa Rican forests

• Spater, Molly, DEVELOP

Linking Managed and Natural Ecosystems through Evapotranspiration

• Kucera, Leah, DEVELOP

Linking Managed and Natural Ecosystems through Evapotranspiration

• Wang, Audrey, Caltech

Model Farm

• Poletti, Alyssa, Caltech

Model Farm



• Verma, Manish

Remote sensing of ET

• Ciochina, Mark, Ph.D. in Department of Geography, UCLA

Tropical nutrient dynamics and canopy reflectance

• Kolus, Hannah, M.S. in School of Earth Sciences & Environmental Sustainability, Northern Arizona University

Multi-scale Synthesis and Terrestrial Model Intercomparison Project



• Lawal, Shakirudeen, Ph.D. in Department of Environmental and Geographical Science, University of Cape Town

Vegetation Modeling for Southern Africa

• Qiu, Bo, Visiting Scholar in Department of Geography, UCLA

Integration of remotely sensed soil moisture and fluorescence to constrain coupled water-carbon cycle

• Wang, Audrey, B.S., Applied Math, Caltech


• Littles, Raleigh, B.S., UCSB


• Cooley, Savannah, B.S., Clark University

ECOSTRESS applications to Costa Rica

• Pestana, Steven, B.S., CSU Poly Pomona

ECOSTRESS applications

• Barker, Mark, B.S., Geography, CSUN

ECOSTRESS applications

• Nase, Arash, B.S., Computer Science, UC Irvine

ECOSTRESS software development

• Kim, Sol, B.S., UC Berkeley

Costa Rica drought assessment

• Katherine Cavanaugh, B.S., Environmental Studies, Gettysburg College

Costa Rica drought assessment

• Ian Heming, B.S., Computer Science, U. Maryland

Costa Rica drought assessment

• Samuel David Comer, B.S., Environmental Science, UT Austin

Costa Rica drought assessment

• Margaux Reynolds, M.A., Industrial Design, ArtCenter College of Design

Drought indicators user experience

• Gina Om Guckian, B.A., Product Design, ArtCenter College of Design

Drought indicators user experience

• Wong, Kyle, Glendale Community College

Model Farm software development



• Cai, Xitian, Ph.D. in Department of Geosciences, UT-Austin; JPL DRDF/SURP/SC 2013

Integration of Nitrogen Cycle Dynamics into the Noah-MP Land Surface Model: Application for Environmental Modeling and Prediction

• Vickers, Emily, B.S. in Environmental Science, Tulsa Community College

Evapotranspiration from drones

• McDonald, Trevor, B.S. in Department of Geography, UCLA

Evapotranspiration web development

• Kim, Sol, B.S., UC Berkeley

Evapotranspiration web development

• Muρoz, Gus, B.S., M.S., USC

Evapotranspiration web development



• Mallick, Kaniska, Post-doc

Remote sensing of ET

• Halterman, Sarah, Ph.D. in Department of Geography, UCLA; JVSRP

Links Between Long-Term Soil Carbon Storage and Canopy Properties in Tropical Wet Forests

• Kacey Deamer, M.S. in Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism, USC; JVSRP

Climate science communication          

• Vergopolan, Noemi, B.S. in Environmental Engineering, Federal University of Paranα, Brazil; JVSRP 2013

Impact of deforestation in Amazonia on the regional hydrological cycle from remote sensing



• Sok, Malen, B.S. in Computer Science, Cal State Poly Pomona; SIRI, JVSRP 2012-2013

Global land surface modeling with the HyLand dynamic global vegetation model

• Palmer, Claralyse, Agoura High School 2012-2013

The potential of potential evapotranspiration



• O’Connor, Daniel, B.S. in Biology, Occidental College; SIRI 2012 (completed internship)

Expansion and refinement of the Fixation & Uptake of Nitrogen model

• Marquez, Elisha, Eagle Rock High School; Minority Student Programs 2012


Awarded the Sister Clarice Lolich Outstanding Student Presentation Award



• Tsao, Nicholas, MSC in Environmental Change and Management, Oxford University 2010-2011

Can vegetation water content be observed globally from satellite remote sensing? An assessment of six products using a combination of radar, microwave and optical data, and implications for water and carbon cycles



• Badgley, Grayson, MSC in Environmental Change and Management, Oxford University 2009-2010

Nutrients from space: Remote sensing nutrient limitation in terrestrial vegetation

Awarded Distinction and Overall Distinction (Coursework, Dissertation and Exams)

• Garonna, Irene, MSC in Environmental Change and Management, Oxford University 2009-2010

Land surface temperature model intercomparison and validation with FLUXNET and MODIS data

Awarded Distinction

• Moore, Scott, MSC in Environmental Change and Management, Oxford University 2009-2010

Charting the subterranean sea: The promise of groundwater storage change assessment from satellite observations and the persistent challenges of water management in Yemen

Awarded Overall Distinction (Coursework, Dissertation and Exams)

• Polhamus, Aaron, MSC in Environmental Change and Management, Oxford University 2009-2010

Sources of bias in latent heat of evaporation model predictions: Should parameterizing resistances be a priority?

Awarded Distinction



• Armanios, Daniel, MSc in Water Science, Policy & Management, Oxford University 2008-2009

A remote sensing framework to gauge sustainability of community water practices: A quantitative diagnostic for integrated water resource management decision support models

• Gadsden, Martin, MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation & Management, Oxford University 2008-2009

Maximising biodiversity conservation benefits of REDD strategies in Peru

Awarded Distinction

• Krishnamurthy, Krishna, MSc in Environmental Change and Management, Oxford University 2008-2009

Mainstreaming disaster risk reduction into development strategies

Awarded Distinction and Best Overall Performance, ECM 2008-2009 (Coursework, Dissertation and Exams)

• Massey, Ashley, MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation & Management, Oxford University 2008-2009                                                                                                                       

Dragons prevent deforestation? The protection and governance of Kiang West National Park in the Gambia, West Africa

Awarded Distinction and Best Overall Performance, BCM 2008-2009 (Coursework, Dissertation and Exams)

• Plotnykova, Hanna, MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation & Management, Oxford University 2008-2009

GIS-based conservation management for the Ukraine

• Thomas, Matt, MSc in Environmental Change and Management, Oxford University 2008-2009

Impacts of climate change on an ancient woodland

Awarded Distinction

• Wong, Chun (John) Yuen, MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation & Management, Oxford University 2008-2009

Climate change impacts on polar migratory bird routes



• Gibbon, Adam, MSc in Environmental Change & Management, Oxford University 2007-2008

Carbon stocks of the high elevation Andes Mountains: Puna grasslands and upper tropical cloud forests of Manu National Park, Peru

Awarded Distinction and Best Overall Performance, ECM 2007-2008 (Coursework, Dissertation and Exams)

• MacDonald, Ewan, MSc in Environmental Change & Management, Oxford University 2007-2008

Evaluating measures of conservation success: The case study of Nantu Nature Reserve, Sulawesi

Awarded Distinction

• Tan, Su-Yin, MSc in Environmental Change & Management, Oxford University 2007-2008

Modelling nitrogen uptake in temperate and tropical forests

Awarded Best Presentation, Dissertation Proposal



• Blandford, Rebecca, MSc in Environmental Change & Management, Oxford University 2006-2007

An investigation of the temporal dynamics of self-organised vegetation patterns in a semi-arid ecosystem

Awarded Distinction and Best Overall Dissertation, ECM 2006-2007


professional EXPERIENCE

• Scientist (2010 – 2021)

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology (CalTech)

• Departmental Lecturer & Research Fellow (2008 – 2009)

University of Oxford, Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography & Environment

• GIS Consultant (2003 – 2005)

NASA Ames Research Center, Office of Safety, Environmental and Mission Assurance
San Jose State University, Department of Environmental Studies

• Environmental Protection Specialist (2003)

NASA Ames Research Center, Office of Safety, Environmental and Mission Assurance

• Environmental Protection Specialist (2001 – 2002)

United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Region 9: Air Division



• Dr. David Schimel, Senior Carbon Cycle Scientist

Jet Propulsion Laboratory, M/S 233-306C

4800 Oak Grove Drive

Pasadena, CA 91109, USA

E-mail: david.schimel@jpl.nasa.gov

Phone: (818) 354-6803

• Professor Dennis D. Baldocchi, Division Chair of Ecosystem Science

University of California at Berkeley

Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management

137 Mulford Hall #3114

Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

E-mail:  baldocchi@nature.berkeley.edu

Phone: (510) 642-2874

• Professor Yadvinder S. Malhi, Program Leader of Ecosystem Dynamics

University of Oxford

Environmental Change Institute, School of Geography & Environment

South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3QY, UK

E-mail: yadvinder.malhi@ouce.ox.ac.uk

Phone: +44 (0) 1865 285188

• Professor Louise P. Fortmann, Division Chair of Society & Environment

University of California at Berkeley

Department of Environmental Science, Policy & Management

121 Giannini Hall

Berkeley, CA 94720, USA

E-mail: fortmann@nature.berkeley.edu

Phone: (510) 642-7018