Budva, Montenegro (2007)

When we asked the bus station woman for a ticket to Montenegro, she looked at us like we were stupid tourists and asked, “Where in Montenegro?”  We stared blankly back at her and finally replied, “I don’t know.  Where should we go?”  We decided to go to the furthest point that the bus would take us, which was a beach town called Budva.  After and only after we left did we find out that there was a Russian mafia double murder hit a couple days prior to our arrival.





Walking along the lovely Santa Cruz-esque boardwalk.


I smuggled in Tequila on my donkey.  Seriously, I HAD to take a photo of this.


A bit of Montenegrin hillside.


Yum, we got a great seafood platter.


Grapes grew abundantly everywhere around here and were delicious!  These are at our 16 euro/night/person hotel (after deciding not to go to the 160 euro hotel next door).


Quiet pier.