Iguacu, Brazil & Argentina (2007)

Next stop on our trip was Iguacu Falls. Although most people have never heard of these falls, they are vastly larger than Niagra Falls and one of the major highlights of all of South America according to most travel guides. Iguacu falls on the border of Argentina and Brazil so we went to both sides for different views. 

View of the river leading into Iguacu Falls from above.


At first, Carmel is unimpressed.


A lizard is unimpressed with us.


We did like the butterflies though.


Okay, that’s impressive.


This rainbow continuously followed us around.


The water descends upon us.


The air was thick with moisture.


We took a boat underneath the falls.


Keep the camera away!


Carmel near the top of Devil’s Throat.


Just hanging out, while the Devil’s Throat yells in the background.


It was Argentina side the first day, Brazil side the second day.


Same great Falls, new viewing angle.


Very nice.


It’s that pesky rainbow again!


Boats line up to look for the pot of gold.


Birds fly in the rainbow.


More of us.


This thing is annoyed I’m in its way.


The source of the rainbows is discovered:  Josh’s neck (or throat).


Rainbow leading into Devil’s Throat (or neck).


The top of Devil’s Throat.  Like a giant toilet bowl.


Here, I ponder low-flow showers.


Can you hear me now?  What?


This scene kind of just begs for one of these piece-together panoramic shots.


To see some videos of these awesome falls go to: