The airport had this massive green wall of plants.
An eye massage with $125 eye cream.
got an allergic reaction to the stuff so that means it probably is doing
Street market.
Food stalls for amazing Singapore
food. Except for the food that
poisoned Carmel
(which I think is the stall with the yellow sign).
Yummy carrot cake stir fry.
Afterwards to Raffles Bar, where everything costs a hell of a lot more than
peanuts, which is what you find in piles beneath the bar.
The Singapore Sling reminded me of the New Orleans Hurricane drink.
A walk just outside downtown.
Orderly high tech meets chaotic tropical vegetation.
We eventually figured out that there is a whole other city beneath the city
consisting of an enormous interconnecting giant mall.
As the sign says.
This fountain is surrounded by 5 buildings with one building shorter than the
rest. The buildings represent
fingers of a hand (one building on the end is shorter than the rest to
represent the thumb). The
symbology of the feng shui
is to allow wealth to be captured in your palm (the fountain).